Remove all network printers from a workstation

The script allows you to delete all network printers on a workstation / server. ‘ ‘ RDR REMOVE NETWORK PRINTER ‘ ‘ ‘ Dim strComputer strComputer = “.” Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\\” & strComputer & “\root\cimv2”) Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery (“Select * from Win32_Printer”) Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Network”) ‘msgbox “open script” ‘ Boucle sur les …

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Print server migration

The following script migrates from print server A to server B with the following actions: Map printers to the new server Removal of the workstation printers that are mapped to the old server only if they are present on the new one Changing the default printer if it is a printer from the old server. …

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FOG agent installation script

The following script installs the FOG agent on fixed workstations at startup. The script must be placed in a group policy (GPO), which executes the script when the computer starts. Edit lines 8 and 9 by replacing fqdn with the URL to access the FOG server.

Alert users to change their password

The following VBS script displays an alert to users at login that the password is soon to expire. The script Customizing the script line 2 : QtDiasAviso = 7 Number of days the message begins to appear line 3 : RedirectRdWeb = true True : opens the page defined in the UrlRDWEB variable when the …

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Printer mapping: GPO and Script

When setting up an Active Directory, one of the things you want to set up automatically is the mapping of printers to users. Prerequisite: Have a server with the Print Service role (optional). It is possible to share a printer from the control panel. Have one or more shared printers. As for the mapping of …

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Resolve temporary profile issues on RDS / TSE remote desktops

Context : Temporary profile error on logon For multiple and often unknown reasons, users are connected to their session on a temporary profile. The user does not find his settings including the Outlook profile. All that is stored in the folder C:\Users\TEMP is not saved when they log off. If you apply a folder redirection …

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Network Drive Mapping: GPO and Script

Détail de la GPO

When setting up an Active Directory, one of the first things you want to set up is automatic mapping of network drives to different users. As a reminder, a network drive is a share presented to a workstation / user in the form of a letter like a hard disk / USB stick …. In …

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