Monitor Veeam in PRTG

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to monitor Veeam using PRTG. Having the results of the backups in PRTG makes it possible to centralize the monitoring of the infrastructure in a single console and to reduce notification emails. Prerequisites On the PRTG server, it is necessary to install the Veeam management console, it …

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PRTG: supervision of MSA arrays


In this tutorial, we will see how to supervise an HP MSA 1040/1050/2040/2050 storage array. Prerequisites You must create an equipment group in PRTG to add the two controllers. Supervision of MSA disk array All the sensors were created from the PRTG web interface. Controller A Click on Add a device 1. Give a name …

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PRTG: Supervision of a QNAP NAS

In this tutorial, I will explain how to supervise a QNAP NAS with PRTG. PRTG integrates a model for QNAP NAS that allows the automatic creation of the following sensors: QNAP system status Physical disks Logical disks. Configure the SNMP Agent on the NAS 1. On the NAS web interface, open the control panel and …

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PRTG: equipment dependent on a parent


PRTG allows you to create dependencies between multiple devices. This allows in case of failure of a device to pass the others automatically paused. This parameter can be used with servers and a switch. In this tutorial, we will use it to bind a server to a database instance. If on a server, there are …

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PRTG: Configure a Netflow Sensor

PRTG has a Netflow sensor, which makes it possible to transform it into a Netflow server so that network flows can be analyzed. Before configuring the sensor, you must set the network equipment to send the streams to PRTG. 1. From the equipment, add sensor 1 . 2. In the search area 1 enter netflow then …

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PRTG: Hyper-V Statistics CPU and RAM Resource Allocation

This script creates a sensor in PRTG that displays the allocation of physical resources to virtual machines. Scripts can be used to monitor a standalone / clustered Hyper-V host and / or cluster. Canals : VM Count : number of virtual machines CPU allocated (%) : percentage of logical CPUs allocated to VMs. CPU assigned …

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PRTG Disks management in absolute value (space)

In this tutorial, I will explain how to manage disks in PRTG using available space instead of percentage. The% management allows the software to apply alerts for disk space by default to all the equipment, this solution is certainly practical, but in the long run you can regularly send alerts because the disk space is …

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