RDS gateway : installation and configuration

Presentation of the RDS gateway In this tutorial, we are going to install, configure and use an RDS gateway without deploying an RDS farm. In an environment mainly consisting of Windows server, the use of the RDS gateway is a means of setting up remote access for the IT server. It is not necessary to …

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Deploy an RDS Server – Remote Desktop Service

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to deploy an RDS server (Remote Desktop Services). If you plan to deploy an RDS farm, that is to say several servers, use the tutorial: Deploy a RDS farm Windows 2012R2 / 2016/2019. Before Windows Server 2012, installation was done by installing the Remote Desktop Session Host …

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Change password from the interface RDWEB

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to allow users to change their passwords using the Web Access portal available in a deployment of an RDS farm. To allow password change, you must have RDWEB Access published This solution allows users working exclusively on an RDS environment to change their password when it has …

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Force a template for the start menu

Presentation The purpose of this article is to show you how to force a template for the start menu. This change is especially useful for RDS servers to allow users to all have the same environment. You can also apply it for Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 Implementation of template The implementation of the …

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GPO: Configure SSO on RDS Connections

Résumé de la GPO

Presentation In this article, we’ll see how to set up Single Sign-on (SSO) on Remote Desktop (RDS) connections using a GPO. This solution eliminates the need for users to re-enter their login to connect to an RDS server or RemoteApp connections. Policy Configuration – GPO Ouvrir la console de Gestion des stratégies de groupes, sélectionner …

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Restart an RDS server member of a farm

This script allows you to reboot a server RDS member of a farm with a broker session by closing the still open sessions. Use : Change the two variables $ServerBroker and $ServerHost. Create a scheduled task by running the script on the remote desktop session host server. Using the script avoids ending up with xxxxx.BACKUP-Y …

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Connecting to Remote Desktop Session Host servers by the Broker

Problem If you followed the article: Setting up an RDS farm under Windows 2012R2/2016, the client connection configuration is done using a Round Robin on the DNS. What happens if the server returned by the DNS is offline? The connection will not succeed and an error message is displayed. Solution: Establish a connection through the …

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UPD increase the size

If you have activated user profile disks on your RDS farm and you need to increase the size of a disk you must go through a machine with the role of Hyper-V Step 1: Installing the Hyper-V Role on a Virtual Machine (Optional) We will start by installing the Hyper-V role on a virtual machine. …

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Publish RemoteApp 2008R2 on a Farm RDS 2012R2 / 2016/2019

2008R2 application available on RDWeb

Presentation In this article, I will explain how to publish RemoteApp applications from an RDS server running Windows 2008R2 on a RDS 2012,2016 or 2016 farm. Prerequisites An RDS server running Windows 2008R2 with published RemoteApp applications. An RDS 2012R2, 2016 or 2019 deployment with a web access server. Publishing the Windows 2008R2 Server RemoteApp