Configure roaming profiles in an Active Directory environment

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up roaming profiles for your users in an Active Directory environment. When I started working (already a few years ago), roaming profiles were all the rage. Roaming profiles store user (profile) data (C:\Users\) in a shared folder that is located on a server. This allows …

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Share a folder in PowerShell

Create a share with PowerShell: This tutorial explains how to share a folder in Powershell granting full access to Everyone. The folder to be shared must already exist on the server. Open a PowerShell window On the server, open a PowerShell command prompt as Administrator. Use the New-SmbShare cmdlet Enter the following command to create …

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PowerShell and network drives

In this tutorial on “scripting”, I suggest you discover or see how to manage network drives with PowerShell and you will see that it is not that “simple”. In the tutorial: Network Drive Mapping: GPO and Script, I explain how to map a network drive with Group Policy using and how to do it with …

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Hyper-V: store virtual machines on an SMB3 network share

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to configure a network share on Windows Server to store virtual machines created on Hyper-V on it. Since Windows 2012, it is possible to store virtual machines created on Hyper-V on an SMB3 network share. This solution allows to use the available storage of a physical computer …

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Windows Server : apply quotas on folders

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to apply quotas on a file server with the File Server Resource Manager. A quota is a quantity (volume) of disk space allocated to a folder, it can be applied for audit purposes (conditional), it can be exceeded or strict (unconditional). By default, it is possible to …

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BranchCache – Installation and Configuration

BranchCache mode

BranchCache is an extended WAN bandwidth optimization technology that is included in some editions of the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems, as well as in certain editions of Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7. To optimize the bandwidth of a …

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Windows Server : view open files on network shares

In this article, I will explain how to view from a Windows server open shared files / folders. There are two ways to access open files / folders in either graphical or command-line mode using PowerShell. PowerShell List open folders / files: Get-SmbOpenFile Result : FileId SessionId Path ShareRelativePath ClientComputerName ClientUserName —— ——— —- —————– …

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Windows file server: save access to files and folders

audit acces

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see a feature built into Windows, folder and file access auditing. This function allows logger access to resources (files and resources). It may be worthwhile to enable auditing on sensitive enterprise files to see if unauthorized people are trying to access it. Audit configuration Folder configuration 1. On the …

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QNAP: add a shared folder

Share added

In this tutorial, we will see how to create a shared folder with a QNAP NAS and access it from Windows. Creating the shared folder 1. Go to the administration interface and open Control Panel 1 . 2. In the Privilege 1 section, click Shared Folders 2 . 3. Click Create 1 / Shared Folder …

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Share a folder with Windows Server

shared folder created

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see a common task on a server, which is the folder share. There are several solutions to share a folder, in this tutorial we will see two possibilities: By the file explorer By the server manager Before starting to share a folder, we will make a point on the …

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