WSUS: Set up client-side targeting

resume strategy

Presentation The client-side targeting on WSUS, when enabled, allows you to directly assign to a group declare in the console. This declaration is not done GPO or by modifying the register of the customer workstation. Once activated, it is no longer possible to change the assignment of a station by hand from the WSUS console. …

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Change the DNS cache duration of DFS Namespaces

In this article, I will explain how to change the DNS cache of a namespace. By default, the DNS cache is 300 seconds or 5 minutes. For example, during a server migration, it may be necessary to reduce the client cache. Change the duration Open the DFS Distributed File System Management console, right-click the name …

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MDT: enable monitoring

More info

In MDT, it is possible to activate the monitoring, which makes it possible to follow the deployment of the stations and to have a progress report from the console. The state of the deployments is kept for 3 days. Activation of the monitoring To enable monitoring, right-click on the MDT share and click Properties. Go …

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Install WSUS with a SQL Server database

Since Windows 2016 server, it is possible to install the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) directly with a SQL Server database. In this article we will see how to proceed. Prerequisites To install WSUS with a SQL Server database you need: Windows 2016 or 2019 server for the WSUS role An instance of SQL Server …

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WDS Boot PXE: Fix the 0xc0000001 Error

TFTP config

Symptom When you try to start a computer in PXE from a WDS server, the following error is displayed when loading the image: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.2. Choose your language settings, and …

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Windows Server : view open files on network shares

In this article, I will explain how to view from a Windows server open shared files / folders. There are two ways to access open files / folders in either graphical or command-line mode using PowerShell. PowerShell List open folders / files: Get-SmbOpenFile Result : FileId SessionId Path ShareRelativePath ClientComputerName ClientUserName —— ——— —- —————– …

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Installation and configuration of replica storage

Storage replica

Storage replication (storage replica) is a feature that comes with Windows Server 2016 that lets you replicate a volume to another server. To work the feature requires two volumes per server. The first for storing data and the second for logs. Storage replica works on the principle Active / Passive. The data is accessible only …

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GPO: Run a script when the computer starts


Presentation In this article, we will see how to set up a script that runs at startup of the post using Group Policy (GPO). The advantage of using this type of script is that it is executed with the Administrators rights, which makes it possible to launch software installations on the workstation without any elevation …

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Active directory: Delete a child domain

In the article Active directory: setting up a child domain where I explain how to configure a child domain in an Active Directory environment, I will explain here how to delete a child domain. As a reminder, when setting up the child domain, a trust relationship was created between the two domains and DNS delegation …

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