GLPI – Server Template Configuration: Size and Image

GLPI : Datecenter

Configuring server templates With the arrival of version 0.93 of GLPI, it is possible to manage datacenters and bays. We will see in this tutorial how to configure the server models to put them to the right number of U and put the images corresponding to the model. By default all servers are 1U and …

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Veeam : Automatically backup virtual machines on Hyper-V

In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to automatically back up virtual machines (new and existing) with Veeam and Hyper-V. The trick is to use the option to back up the volume in Veeam job sources instead of adding the virtual machines manually to the backup jobs. Prerequisites On Hyper-V servers, you need to organize virtual …

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HTML5 client for Microsoft Remote Desktop Service

Wordpad en HTML5

“Finally an HTML5 client for Windows RDS farms” Presentation In this tutorial, I explain how to set up the HTML 5 client interface to connect to the RDS farm on Windows. Until now to connect to Remote Desktop or RemoteApp, it was necessary to have a heavy RDP client. To connect without a client, it …

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Vbs: IIS log rotation script

Unlike linux, Windows does not have a task for log rotation. Below is a Vbs script that allows you to do this rotation.

Stormshield: url filtering https without decryption

In this tutorial, we’ll see how to set up https url filtering (SSL) without needing to decrypt and therefore deploy the stormshield certificate. This solution does not display a blocking page, users will have a blank page. Implementing https URL filtering 1. Log in to your Stormshield. 2. In the menu on the left, go …

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GLPI 9.3 convert tables to innodb

Presentation Since version 9.3 of GLPI, the new installations use the InnoDB storage format instead of MyISAM. When updating your GLPI, the tables will not be automatically migrated. The migration must be done by hand. When connecting to your site you will have an alert message telling you that tables are not in the correct …

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PRTG Disks management in absolute value (space)

In this tutorial, I will explain how to manage disks in PRTG using available space instead of percentage. The% management allows the software to apply alerts for disk space by default to all the equipment, this solution is certainly practical, but in the long run you can regularly send alerts because the disk space is …

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Symptom In this article, I will explain how to resolve the COULD NOT GET TEMP DIRECTORY error simply. From my research this error appears on RDS (WS2012R2) servers using User Profile Disks (UPD). This error occurs when a user tries to install an extension on Google Chrome, I first think of a problem of right, …

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Fusion Inventory: Configuring Discovery and Inventory Tasks

Through this tutorial, I am going to try to explain you how works FusionInventory and the tasks of network discovery and inventory SNMP in fusioninventory. If you think of be able to inventory the set of the equipment of your network without needing to intervene on GLPI. It is necessary to remove you this idea …

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Exchange 2016: unable to connect to webmail (OWA) with ARR

Problem You cannot connect to the Exchange webmail (owa) which is hosted behind a reverse proxy (ARR, WAP, WAF …). The other services (Outlook / Telephone) work perfectly. Context You are in a high availability architecture (DAG) and a Reverse proxy – Load balancer is used. The article discusses the use of IIS and ARR. …

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