Install WSUS role on Windows Server 2025

In this tutorial, we will see how to install the WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) role on Windows Server 2025, which will allow you to have a server in your environment to control the distribution of updates for Microsoft products (Windows, Office, SQL Server, etc.). The WSUS role is also a “component” of MECM, because …

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Add-WindowsCapability: resolve error 0x800f0954

In this tutorial, I will explain how to solve error 0x800f0954 with the PowerShell Add-WindowsCapability Cmdlet when trying to install a Windows feature. This error mainly occurs when you use a WSUS server to update your Windows computers and therefore when using the Cmdlet Add-WindowsCapability, it will look for files on the WSUS server. Here …

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WSUS manually import an update from the Microsoft Update Catalog

In this tutorial, I will explain how to manually import a site update in WSUS with PowerShell. By default, this operation is possible automatically by passing the console and provided that you use Internet Explorer 11. In 2022, who still uses this browser? Download the update and retrieve its GUID Go to the site …

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WSUS : recreate the SUSDB database

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to reset the WSUS service by recreating the SUSDB database on WID (Windows Internal Database) and the updates storage folder (WsusContent / UpdateServicesPackages). This type of operation can normally be done “without too much risk”, resetting WSUS will see us lose the history of updates on …

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WSUS : deploy Microsoft Edge

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to install Microsoft Edge using WSUS services. Microsoft is ending support for Edge Lecagy on March 9, 2021, so it is imperative to deploy Microsoft Edge to ensure workstation security. Add the Microsoft Edge product to WSUS From the WSUS console, go to Options 1. Then …

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WSUS migrate the database on sqlexpress

Connexion à WID

In this tutorial, I will explain how to migrate your WSUS database, which is default on Windows Internal Database to SQLExpress. Since Windows Server 2016, the installation of WSUS can be done directly on a SQL Server (Express) database. Why migrate to SQLExpress? There are several answers to this question: For performance and stability reasons, …

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WPP: Deploying Applications with WSUS

Update added

In this tutorial, we will see how to deploy applications (Firefox, Chrome, Fusion Agent, Java …) using the WSUS role and WPP. As a reminder, WSUS is a Windows role that allows you to administer updates to Microsoft products within a computer pool. WPP (Wsus Package Publisher) will allow us to add custom packages to …

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WSUS: Remove Drivers from Updates

Not long ago, I wanted to enable driver updates through WSUS. When I saw the amount of drivers to download compared to the percentage used, I wanted to backtrack. The problem is that once you synchronize to the WSUS database, you have to approve or reject the files. The solution to remove all traces of …

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MDT: Install updates with WSUS

Installing updates during deployment

In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to enable Windows updates to a WSUS server when deploying an image with MDT. Enable updates Open the properties of an installation sequence, go to the Task Sequence 1 tab and activate one of the two update patches 2 by unchecking the Disable this step 3> box. > and …

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WSUS: Set up client-side targeting

resume strategy

Presentation The client-side targeting on WSUS, when enabled, allows you to directly assign to a group declare in the console. This declaration is not done GPO or by modifying the register of the customer workstation. Once activated, it is no longer possible to change the assignment of a station by hand from the WSUS console. …

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