GLPI 10: configuration of email notifications

In this tutorial, I will explain how to enable and configure email notifications. To send messages, we will configure an SMTP server. To work, notifications need automatic actions to be correctly configured. Enable and configure email notifications in GLPI In the menu, expand Configuration 1 and click on Notifications 2. By default, notifications are not …

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Postfix: configure a mail relay (MTA) on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to install (it’s the easiest) and configure Postfix on Ubuntu as an email relay to send emails from applications, equipment (copier, switch, etc.). This type of server is often used in businesses to send emails from different equipment and software, even if you have an internal …

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Exchange: send emails externally from a connector

In this tutorial, I will explain how to configure a receive connector to send emails outside your organization from Exchange. You have already configured a receive connector on Exchange in order to be able to receive e-mails from applications, copiers or any other devices. Now you need to send mail to external addresses (, …

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Sophos XG: secure emails

Portail user

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to secure emails with a Sophos XG firewall. The firewall offers two modes of operation for filtering emails: MTA : the firewall will act as an SMTP relay Legacy : it will be placed in transparent mode, which we will see in this tutorial. In both modes …

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Exchange: create a Receive connector

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see how to set up a Receive connector on Exchange to allow devices (copiers / firewall …) and applications to send email addresses to mailboxes that are hosted on Exchange. Creating the connector 1. Open the ECP interface and go to Mail Flow 1 / Receive Connectors 2 and …

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