PowerShell: download a file in HTTP, HTTPS

In this tutorial, I will explain how to download a file using PowerShell that is on a server accessible in HTTP or HTTPS. This can be particularly useful when administering a server without an interface, where the only browser installed is Internet Explorer or in a script. There are several solutions to download one using …

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View Active Directory Group Members in PowerShell

In this tutorial, I will explain how to display the members of an Active Directory group in PowerShell. I already see some reaction of the style, we can have it from the graphical interface, it’s true, but in some cases the use of PowerShell saves a lot of time, especially when using ADGLP I will …

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Install nano on Windows

In this tutorial, I will explain how to easily install nano on Windows (Desktop and Server). If you regularly use Linux, you are certainly familiar with it, for those who do not know nano, it is a command line text editor and it must be said that sometimes it is missing on Windows, particularly when …

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PowerShell: show the contents of a text file

In this tutorial, I will show you how to display the contents of a text file (txt, yaml, php, vbs…) in a PowerShell window. In fact, it’s very simple, just use the Cmdlet Get-Content and specify the file name. Which give : If you are familiar with the cat command in Linux, you can also …

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Windows Server: disable a cipher suite

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to disable a cipher suite also call cipher. If you arrive on this tutorial by a search engine, there is a good chance that it is due to a vulnerability test and that you have an alert that goes up because vulnerable cryptographic suites (cipher) are …

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WSUS manually import an update from the Microsoft Update Catalog

In this tutorial, I will explain how to manually import a site updatehttps://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/ in WSUS with PowerShell. By default, this operation is possible automatically by passing the console and provided that you use Internet Explorer 11. In 2022, who still uses this browser? Download the update and retrieve its GUID Go to the site https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/ …

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Exchange: add a database in PowerShell

Dans ce tutoriel, je vais vous expliquer comment ajouter une base de données sur un serveur Exchange en PowerShell. The use of PowerShell saves time because several manipulations are to be done, enter go through the ECP then on the list of services to restart a service for consideration. Add a database to Exchange in …

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Share a folder in PowerShell

Create a share with PowerShell: This tutorial explains how to share a folder in Powershell granting full access to Everyone. The folder to be shared must already exist on the server. Open a PowerShell window On the server, open a PowerShell command prompt as Administrator. Use the New-SmbShare cmdlet Enter the following command to create …

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