Active Directory: change the KrbTgt account password

In this tutorial, I will explain how to change the password of the KrbTgt account. Before explaining how to change the password of this account, I will give you some explanations. Who is krbtgt? The krbtgt account is a disabled service account in the Active Directory, which is used for the distribution of Kerberos Tickets, …

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Active Directory: secure passwords with Lithnet Password Protection for Active Directory

In this tutorial, I will tell you how to harden password security with Lithnet Password Protection for Active Directory. Lithnet Password Protection for Active Directory is a free utility that installs on domain controllers, which will allow us to increase password security with: Create a forbidden password dictionary, also taking into account the replacement of …

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GLPI: reset the password of the glpi account

In this tutorial, I will explain how to reset GLPI account password. After installing GLPI, you are invited to change the password of the glpi account (super-admin) which has the glpi password. What if you “forgot” the account password and the rest of the user accounts are using an Active Directory that is no longer …

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Change password from the interface RDWEB

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to allow users to change their passwords using the Web Access portal available in a deployment of an RDS farm. To allow password change, you must have RDWEB Access published This solution allows users working exclusively on an RDS environment to change their password when it has …

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Alert users to change their password

The following VBS script displays an alert to users at login that the password is soon to expire. The script Customizing the script line 2 : QtDiasAviso = 7 Number of days the message begins to appear line 3 : RedirectRdWeb = true True : opens the page defined in the UrlRDWEB variable when the …

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LAPS – Securing Local Administrator Accounts

Wizard install

LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) is a free solution provided by Microsoft that allows the security of workstations. LAPS allows for each computer in OR to randomly generate a password for the local Administrator account and store it in an Active Directory attribute (ms-Mcs-AdmPwd). It ‘relies on the SID of the account which is structured …

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