Use the hosts file to simulate a DNS record on Windows

Location of the hosts file : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Pour ajouter un enregistrement : 1. Start notepad as administrator. 2. Open the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. To display the hosts file which has no extension it is necessary to select All files (*. *) 3. Add a record in the form: 4. Save and close the …

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Hyper-V : create a NAT switch

Microsoft Hyper-v

In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a NAT switch (virtual switch) on Hyper-V. Before getting into the technical explanations, I will explain in a few words, what a NAT switch is. If you have already used another hypervisor such as vmware or virtualbox for example, this type of switch is available by …

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Testing the bandwidth on a local network with iPerf

IPerf overview iPerf is a client / server command line utility that allows you to perform bandwidth testing on a local network between two machines. iPerf will make it possible to perform a throughput test and to diagnose a possible bottleneck on a network between two points. By opening the appropriate ports, it is also …

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Windows firewall, force domain profile

In this tutorial, I will explain how to change the network profile of the firewall on Windows. It happens that after a restart, the profile of the firewall goes private, we will see how to change it back to the domain profile. The connection profile on a network adapter is especially useful when different firewall …

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Hyper-V: the different virtual switches

In this tutorial, I will tell you how to create a virtual switch on Hyper-V and tell you the difference between the 3 types. What is a virtual switch A virtual switch is a virtual switch created on Hyper-V, which allows virtual adapters of virtual machines (but not only) to have access to a network. …

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Modify the subnet mask of a DHCP scope on Windows Server

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to modify the subnet mask of a DHCP scope on Windows Server. If we look in the properties of the scope, we realize that it is not possible to modify the subnet mask. The “modification” of the DHCP scope is done in several stages: Exporting the DHCP …

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Hyper-V: Create a virtual switch

Commutateur créé

Presentation A virtual switch in Hyper-V is a virtual switch that allows the connection of network adapters to be created using Hyper-V (virtual machine or host). Under Hyper-V, there are 3 types of virtual switches: External : Create a physical switch that is attached to the physical network adapter so that computers can access a …

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Network Card Association with Windows Server – Network Teaming

Création de l'équipe

Presentation of the Network Teaming Teaming consists of grouping several network cards into a single virtual card. This technology allows depending on the configuration of the association to set up fault tolerance, load balancing between physical cards and increased throughput. With the arrival of Windows 2012, this feature became native to Windows, before it had …

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BranchCache – Installation and Configuration

BranchCache mode

BranchCache is an extended WAN bandwidth optimization technology that is included in some editions of the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems, as well as in certain editions of Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7. To optimize the bandwidth of a …

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GPO: Managing Windows Firewall Rules

firewall rule added

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see how to add rules to the Windows Firewall using Group Policy. For information, the Windows Firewall has been implemented in the Windows operating system with service pack 2 (SP2) of Windows XP. It is now part of the system and some functionalities like DirectAccess requires that it be …

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