Windows Server 2025: Install and configure a DHCP server

In this tutorial dedicated to Windows Server 2025, I suggest you see or review how to install the DHCP Server role in order to provide automatic IP configuration to the computers on your network. If you are familiar with the DHCP service in Windows Server, the implementation in Windows Server is identical. Before getting into …

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Docker: change default IP address ranges

In this tutorial, I will explain how to change Docker’s default address range. By default, Docker uses class “B” private addresses from 172.17 to 172.32. For each “stack” or container, it will assign a range with a mask in /16. Here is an example : In some cases, it may be necessary to modify this …

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Proxmox: create a private network with NAT

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to create a private network on Proxmox and configure NAT so that the LXC/CT containers and virtual computers in this network have access to the Internet. Using NAT in this situation will bring out the VM and CT to the Internet with the IP address of …

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GLPI 10: network inventory with GLPI Agent

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to set up network inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. This is the functionality equivalent to network discovery and inventory with FusionInventory: Fusion Inventory: Configuring Discovery and Inventory Tasks – 247-IT Presentation of network inventory with GLPI Agent The network inventory allows you to discover …

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UFW: delete a rule

In this tutorial, I will explain how to easily delete a firewall rule managed by UFW. UFW is a command line interface that simplifies the use of iptables rules. To delete a rule, you must first display the list of rules with their number: The command returns the list of rules as below: To delete …

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GPO: force DNS computer registration

In this tutorial, I will explain how to force DNS registration of computers by Group Policy (GPO) in an Active Directory environment. Maintaining a clean, up-to-date DNS (Active Directory) zone is not easy, especially with dynamic computer registration. The first step is the activation of automatic cleaning, but it happens that once this is activated, …

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Crowdsec: secure your web server network – installation and configuration

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to secure the network part of your web servers with Crowdsec. The tutorial is made on Ubuntu 20.04 Crowdsec overview Crowdsec is an open source tool that allows you to “secure” or rather add a layer of security to your Linux servers (soon Windows too) by …

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