Use Disks on a RAID Type Bus with Storage Spaces Direct (S2D)

By default, it is not possible to use disks on a Raid bus with S2D as shown in the image of the prerequisites below: The following PowerShell command displays the bus type of the hard disks: The disks are configured as non-raid on the server (Idrac), even passing the PERC in HBA, the disks back …

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Hyper-v: shut down a virtual machine that is not responding

stop vmwp.exe

Sometimes a virtual machine stops responding during a shutdown. Here’s how to stop the vm. Force stop by the process Each virtual machine running on a Hyper-V host has a process dedicated to it. Stopping this one stops the virtual machine. For starters, it is necessary to recover the GUID of the virtual machine, it …

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Hyper-V: Enable Extended Sessions

Extensive sessions on Hyper-V with virtual machines can enhance the user experience with: Device Sharing File transfer Extended resolution Copy / Paste through the console … We find part of the user experience available with an RDP connection. Works only with Windows virtual machines with installed integration services Activation on the Hyper-V host On Server …

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Hyper-V: add a virtual card to the host

NIC added

This tutorial will explain how to add a virtual network adapter connected to a virtual switch on a Hyper-V host and how to bind it to a VLAN. Launch a PowerShell window and it’s gone …

Hyper-V : install on Windows Server

Console Hyper-V

In this tutorial, we will have how to install Hyper-V on Windows Server (2012R2/2016/2019). Hyper-V presentation Hyper-V is the Microsoft hypervisor, built into the Windows server since the 2008 64bit version. Hyper-V is a type 1 hypervisor, that is to say that the hardware resources (CPU, RAM, network cards …) are managed directly by it, …

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Admin Center: Create a Virtual Machine on a Hyper-V Host

Admin Center - VM resume

In this tutorial, we will have how to create a virtual machine with the Admin Center interface on a Hyper-V host. Prerequisites: Admin Center installed Hyper-V server Server added in the Admin Center Create a virtual machine 1. On the Admin Center, from the list of connections, click on the Hyper-V server. 2. If the …

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Hyper-V: Live-Migration moving a virtual machine between two hosts


In this tutorial, we will see how to move a virtual machine from one Hyper-V host to another host. This feature is called Dynamic Migration, it should not be confused with the feature that has the same name in the failover cluster. Dynamic migration lets you move a running virtual machine to another hyper-v if …

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Altaro backup: installation and use with Hyper-V

Altaro backup - restore as clone

In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up Altaro Backup with Hyper-V. Altaro Backup is a backup solution for virtual environments Hyper-V and VMware running Windows. It has the advantage of being very light and does not require SQL Server database. It allows the following restorations: For very small environments, Altaro has the …

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