Active Directory : password policy – PSO
This tutorial explains how to configure password policies in Active Directory with Password Setting Objects (PSO).
This tutorial explains how to configure password policies in Active Directory with Password Setting Objects (PSO).
In this “How” tutorial, I will explain how to create a central store to centralize the group policy definition files (ADMX / ADML).The central store allows file replication using the SYSVOL directory of domain controllers and therefore having the same configuration on all the controllers.
Presentation In this tutorial, we will see how to store the Bitlocker recovery password in the Active Directrory. The recovery password is requested when the user forgets his pin code or when he wishes to access the hard disk on another computer when the TPM module has been used. Viewing passwords is done using the …
Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to add a UPN suffix in an Active Directory domain. Before launching, we will see what is UPN (User Principal Name) and the suffix. The UPN is made up of two parts, the account identifier 1 + the suffix 2. The default suffix is the domain name …
Intro In this tutorial, we will see how using a group policy, add a registry key. With group policies, it is also possible to delete or modify the value of an existing key Depending on the hive (HKLM / HKCU), the strategy should be placed on the correct OU (Organizational unit) and the correct computer …
Intro In this tutorial, we will see how to prevent local logon on Windows servers. What you should know is that by default all users are allowed to log on locally to Windows except for domain controllers. For servers in Workgroup, the problem is less posed but for servers members of a domain, all users …
Intro In this tutorial, we will see how to install the Admin Center in gateway mode. As a reminder, the Admin Center is a Web interface that allows the administration of Windows servers using WinRM. From the Admin Center, it is almost possible the same as with the graphical interface: Monitor a set of servers …
Presentation of the central store The central store makes it possible to share and synchronize all of the Group Policy Definition (ADMX) files on all of the domain controllers by relying on the SYSVOL folder. By default the ADMX files are in the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions folder which is specific to each domain controller. It is also …
Presentation of authentication policies With Windows Server 2012R2 and the new ADAC (Active Directory Administration Center) administration console, Microsoft has added authentication policies that provide an additional layer of security. In the summary of authentication policies will allow or not to allow a user logs on to a desktop or server, or vice versa control …
In this article, I will explain how to add a domain controller to an existing domain and manage replication links. Below, an illustration of the final architecture: Throughout this tutorial, we will add the controller XXXX-AD1 to the existing domain, which already has two controllers on site A. Prerequisites for XXXX-AD1: When adding the first …