UPD increase the size

If you have activated user profile disks on your RDS farm and you need to increase the size of a disk you must go through a machine with the role of Hyper-V Step 1: Installing the Hyper-V Role on a Virtual Machine (Optional) We will start by installing the Hyper-V role on a virtual machine. …

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Hyper-V: Merge a virtual disk without snapshot

Symptom Solution: Merge virtual disks of differentiation Using the Hyper-V console, you will have to merge all the control points to the parent disk. Before performing this operation, it is strongly recommended to make a backup. Disk merging must be done virtual machine off. Repeat the process until the fusion of all differencing disks and …

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Use Disks on a RAID Type Bus with Storage Spaces Direct (S2D)

By default, it is not possible to use disks on a Raid bus with S2D as shown in the image of the prerequisites below: The following PowerShell command displays the bus type of the hard disks: The disks are configured as non-raid on the server (Idrac), even passing the PERC in HBA, the disks back …

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Hyper-v: shut down a virtual machine that is not responding

stop vmwp.exe

Sometimes a virtual machine stops responding during a shutdown. Here’s how to stop the vm. Force stop by the process Each virtual machine running on a Hyper-V host has a process dedicated to it. Stopping this one stops the virtual machine. For starters, it is necessary to recover the GUID of the virtual machine, it …

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MPIO: Enable Path Check

By default, this feature is not enabled, the paths are checked during a problem. Enable path verification Open a PowerShell command prompt and enter the following command to check the status of PathVerificationState: To enable path checking, enter the following command: Restart the server to take account of the configuration.

Hyper-V: Enable Extended Sessions

Extensive sessions on Hyper-V with virtual machines can enhance the user experience with: Device Sharing File transfer Extended resolution Copy / Paste through the console … We find part of the user experience available with an RDP connection. Works only with Windows virtual machines with installed integration services Activation on the Hyper-V host On Server …

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Hyper-V: add a virtual card to the host

NIC added

This tutorial will explain how to add a virtual network adapter connected to a virtual switch on a Hyper-V host and how to bind it to a VLAN. Launch a PowerShell window and it’s gone …

Hyper-V : install on Windows Server

Console Hyper-V

In this tutorial, we will have how to install Hyper-V on Windows Server (2012R2/2016/2019). Hyper-V presentation Hyper-V is the Microsoft hypervisor, built into the Windows server since the 2008 64bit version. Hyper-V is a type 1 hypervisor, that is to say that the hardware resources (CPU, RAM, network cards …) are managed directly by it, …

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