Docker: change default IP address ranges

In this tutorial, I will explain how to change Docker’s default address range. By default, Docker uses class “B” private addresses from 172.17 to 172.32. For each “stack” or container, it will assign a range with a mask in /16. Here is an example : In some cases, it may be necessary to modify this …

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Proxmox: supervision with Zabbix

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to monitor a Proxmox server with Zabbix. Supervision of Proxmox with Zabbix is done through the Proxmox API, which also makes it possible to report information on the VMs and CT which operates on the Hypervisor. Supervision is done by importing a model into Zabbix; it …

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Guacamole: delegate authentication to Keycloak with OpenID

Presentation In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to configure Guacamole to use Keycloak with OpenID to authenticate users. Using Keycloak with Guacamole will give us additional features such as: With Keycloak and OpenID, there are two ways to manage users in Guacamole: In this tutorial, I’ll cover both. Concerning the environment Guacamole and …

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GLPI 10: automatic actions configuration

Dans ce tutoriel, je vais vous expliquer comment configurer les actions automatiques dans GLPI 10. Overview of automatic actions in GLPI To carry out certain background actions such as email notifications, collection of messages for ticket generation, various maintenance tasks, etc. GLPI 10 uses automatic actions also called cron. Automatic actions are executed with two …

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Postfix: configure a mail relay (MTA) on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to install (it’s the easiest) and configure Postfix on Ubuntu as an email relay to send emails from applications, equipment (copier, switch, etc.). This type of server is often used in businesses to send emails from different equipment and software, even if you have an internal …

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GLPI 10: network inventory with GLPI Agent

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to set up network inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. This is the functionality equivalent to network discovery and inventory with FusionInventory: Fusion Inventory: Configuring Discovery and Inventory Tasks – 247-IT Presentation of network inventory with GLPI Agent The network inventory allows you to discover …

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GLPI 10: configure automatic computer inventory with GLPI Agent

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up automatic inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. Before version 10 of GLPI, you had to go through a plugin (Fusioninventory or OCSInventory) to have automatic inventory in GLPI. Since this functionality is native to GLPI, if you are used to using FusionInventory, you …

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GLPI 10: installation

In this tutorial, I will explain how to install GLPI 10. Presentation of GLPI GLPI is the acronym for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique, it is open source software written in PHP and which uses a MySQL or MariaDB database. GLPI is today published by the company Teclib which distributes GLPI under an Open Source …

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Ubuntu 22.04: install Docker

In this tutorial, I will show you a script to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 22.04. Today more and more applications are available in containers with Docker, I regularly have to install a new machine on Ubuntu and have to install Docker and Docker Compose. Personally, I prefer to install Docker from the …

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