GLPI 10: automatic actions configuration

Dans ce tutoriel, je vais vous expliquer comment configurer les actions automatiques dans GLPI 10. Overview of automatic actions in GLPI To carry out certain background actions such as email notifications, collection of messages for ticket generation, various maintenance tasks, etc. GLPI 10 uses automatic actions also called cron. Automatic actions are executed with two …

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Disable the firewall when deploying with MDT

In the Windows deployment sequence, add a Run Command Line action in the State Restore section. In the Command Line field add: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

GPO: schedule the automatic shutdown of computers

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to schedule computers to automatically shut down using Group Policy. In fact, there is no native functionality in Windows to shut down computers, but we will use Group Policy to deploy a scheduled task to Active Directory domain member computers that will shut them down. Often …

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Jenkins: run PowerShell scripts

To complete the tutorial on Jenkins where I explain how to use it to run scheduled tasks and therefore turn it into a scheduler, I will show you in this tutorial, how to run PowerShell scripts. The Double-Hop Problem If you followed the first tutorial, I showed you how to run “simple” PowerShell cmdlets. If …

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Export / Import a scheduled task

In this tutorial, I will tell you how to export and import a scheduled task. This tutorial applies to both Windows Server and the Desktop version (Windows 10). To illustrate this tutorial, I will export a scheduled task that runs a PowerShell script that allows restarting a computer. The scheduled task runs the ps-restartcomputer.ps1 script …

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MDT: Duplicate / copy a deployment sequence

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to duplicate / copy a deployment sequence in MDT. The tool does not offer this possibility natively, but it is possible to do so by copying the configuration files. The advantage of this operation is to be able to use the same parameters of a sequence …

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Jenkins: centralizing the management of scheduled tasks

Introduction Jenkins is a free open source software for continuous integration. It is normally used by development equipment to ensure non-regression of source code. In turn, it is possible to use Jenkins as a scheduler to centralize the administration of scheduled Windows and / or Linux tasks. I propose in this article to explain how …

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