Managing virtual machines in a Windows Server Hyper-V cluster

Création machine virtuelle

In this tutorial, we will see how to manage your virtual machines in a Hyper-V cluster using the Cluster Manager console. It is also possible to use the following tools to manage virtual machines with Hyper-V: In this article we will address the following points: If you are not in a hyper-v cluster, the Hyper-V …

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Hyper-V: Merge a virtual disk without snapshot

Symptom Solution: Merge virtual disks of differentiation Using the Hyper-V console, you will have to merge all the control points to the parent disk. Before performing this operation, it is strongly recommended to make a backup. Disk merging must be done virtual machine off. Repeat the process until the fusion of all differencing disks and …

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Use Disks on a RAID Type Bus with Storage Spaces Direct (S2D)

By default, it is not possible to use disks on a Raid bus with S2D as shown in the image of the prerequisites below: The following PowerShell command displays the bus type of the hard disks: The disks are configured as non-raid on the server (Idrac), even passing the PERC in HBA, the disks back …

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Hyper-v: shut down a virtual machine that is not responding

stop vmwp.exe

Sometimes a virtual machine stops responding during a shutdown. Here’s how to stop the vm. Force stop by the process Each virtual machine running on a Hyper-V host has a process dedicated to it. Stopping this one stops the virtual machine. For starters, it is necessary to recover the GUID of the virtual machine, it …

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Storage Pool: Change a Physical Disk

In this article, we will see how to change a failed physical disk. When a disk is in error, an icon appears at the pool and virtual disks. Change the disk Open a command prompt and enter the command below to view the physical disks and identify the disk in error. Enter the command below …

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Hyper-V : install on Windows Server

Console Hyper-V

In this tutorial, we will have how to install Hyper-V on Windows Server (2012R2/2016/2019). Hyper-V presentation Hyper-V is the Microsoft hypervisor, built into the Windows server since the 2008 64bit version. Hyper-V is a type 1 hypervisor, that is to say that the hardware resources (CPU, RAM, network cards …) are managed directly by it, …

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Veeam ONE: installation and configuration

Overview backup

Veeam ONE is a “free” software package offered by Veeam for virtual infrastructure supervision. Veeam ONE consists of software: Installation of Veeam ONE 1. Mount the ISO on the server where Veeam ONE is to be installed. 2. Start the installation program by clicking on the file Setup.exe 1 . 3. (Optional) If the UAC …

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Convert a VMware VM to Hyper-V with 5Nine V2V Easy Converter

In this tutorial, we will see how to convert a VM on VMware to Hyper-V with 5Nine V2V Easy Converter. The utility is not available on the official website because redeem Acronis, I put a direct link. Il est possible également d’utiliser l’outil pour faire la conversion dans l’autre sens. Prerequisites Install 5Nine V2V Easy …

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