Admin Center: installation in gateway mode

Intro In this tutorial, we will see how to install the Admin Center in gateway mode. As a reminder, the Admin Center is a Web interface that allows the administration of Windows servers using WinRM. From the Admin Center, it is almost possible the same as with the graphical interface: Monitor a set of servers …

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Restart an RDS server member of a farm

This script allows you to reboot a server RDS member of a farm with a broker session by closing the still open sessions. Use : Change the two variables $ServerBroker and $ServerHost. Create a scheduled task by running the script on the remote desktop session host server. Using the script avoids ending up with xxxxx.BACKUP-Y …

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Windows Backup: installation and configuration

Overview Windows Backup

Presentation Windows Server includes a feature (Windows Backup) that allows you to perform full system backups or a portion of it. It can be used to back up virtual machines, SQL Server databases, file server … It is recommended to use a hard disk dedicated to backups to have incremental backups, in case of user …

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Nano Server: Generating and Using a Windows Nano Server Virtual Disk

Nano Server Console

Nano Server Overview Nano Server is a version of Windows Server that has made its appearance with Windows Server 2016, which is a “light” version of a Windows Core (without GUI) that installs the following roles: Hyper-V containers IIS DNS File Server (SOFS). Complete presentation : Unlike the “normal” versions of WIndows, the Nano …

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Reboot ILO


The ILO management card on HP servers can be restarted independently from the operating system. 1. Go to the ILO web interface and then to Information 1 / Diagnostics 2 . Click on the Reset button 3 . 2. Confirm the restart by clicking OK 1 . 3. Wait while restarting ILO.

Windows Server: Enable Shadow Copies

Choose restore point

In this tutorial, I will explain how snapshots and snapshots work in general and then how to activate them on Windows Server. This functionality is often used on file servers to restore a file or a folder without going through the backup environment, which saves time and avoids handling. Presentation of shadow copies Shadow copies …

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GPO: Disable Server Manager at Logon


When logging on to a Windows Server (since 2008), the server manager opens automatically, but you do not necessarily need it. Personally, I even find that it tends to slow down the system. In this tutorial, we will see how to disable it with Group Policy (GPO) in an Active Directory environment. GPO: disable the …

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Install and use the Admin Center on Windows 10

Admin center

In this tutorial, we will see how to install the Admin Center on a computer running Windows 10. The Admin Center is the new name of the Honolulu Project that allows the administration of servers from the Windows Server 2008R2 version and client computers under Windows 10 using a web interface. Windows Admin Center is …

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GLPI – Server Template Configuration: Size and Image

GLPI : Datecenter

Configuring server templates With the arrival of version 0.93 of GLPI, it is possible to manage datacenters and bays. We will see in this tutorial how to configure the server models to put them to the right number of U and put the images corresponding to the model. By default all servers are 1U and …

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