Windows DNS Server: Error 404, 407, 408 with virtual machine on Hyper-V

In this tutorial, which is a special case, I will explain how to solve the 404, 407 and 408 error that can occur on a DNS server with Windows Server under the following conditions: If you are in this particular configuration, it is possible that on your DNS server, you encounter the error 404, 407 …

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Delete a DNS zone on Windows Server

In this tutorial, I will explain how to delete a DNS zone on Windows Server. Open the DNS administration console On the Windows server, open the DNS administration console, it is accessible by the server manager by clicking on Tools then on DNS. View DNS Zones In the administration console, expand the Forward lookup zones …

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DNS: delete a record on Windows Server

In this “How To” tutorial, I will explain how to delete a DNS record on Windows Server with the DNS Manager console. Delete a DNS record Open the DNS Manager console On a server where the DNS Manager console is installed, open it and go to the zone where you want to delete the record. …

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GPO: force DNS computer registration

In this tutorial, I will explain how to force DNS registration of computers by Group Policy (GPO) in an Active Directory environment. Maintaining a clean, up-to-date DNS (Active Directory) zone is not easy, especially with dynamic computer registration. The first step is the activation of automatic cleaning, but it happens that once this is activated, …

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Add a DNS zone on Windows Server

In this “how to” tutorial, I will show you how to add a DNS zone on a Windows DNS server. Open the DNS console On a server where the DNS role is installed, open the DNS Manager administrative console. Add a DNS zone in direct lookup zones In the left panel, right-click on Direct search …

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Windows Server 2022: Installation of an Active Directory domain controller

In this first tutorial dedicated to Windows Server 2022, I will show you how to install an Active Directory domain controller. Si vous débutez avec les services Active Directory, je vous invite à suivre le cours j’ai créé avant : In this tutorial, here is what we will see: Installing the Active Directory Domain Services …

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Use the hosts file to simulate a DNS record on Windows

Location of the hosts file : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Pour ajouter un enregistrement : 1. Start notepad as administrator. 2. Open the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. To display the hosts file which has no extension it is necessary to select All files (*. *) 3. Add a record in the form: 4. Save and close the …

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Manage the DNS cache on Windows Server

In this “tutorial”, I will give you some PowerShell cmdlets to manage your DNS server cache on Windows Server. To be more precise, we will see 4 cmdlet PowerShell * -DnsServerCache cmdlets. Show-DnsServerCache The first command displays the DNS cache: The output of the command gives all DNS records cached on the server. In console …

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PowerShell: configure an IP address

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to configure an IP address and DNS servers using PowerShell. The first step will be to retrieve the Index from the card. Enter the following Cmdlet to display the computer’s network cards: Get-NetAdapter We will therefore configure the card which has Index 2. IP address configuration …

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