GLPI 10: configure automatic computer inventory with GLPI Agent

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up automatic inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. Before version 10 of GLPI, you had to go through a plugin (Fusioninventory or OCSInventory) to have automatic inventory in GLPI. Since this functionality is native to GLPI, if you are used to using FusionInventory, you …

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Zabbix: monitor a website

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to monitor a website using Zabbix. The supervision of Internet sites is done using Web scenarios and it is possible to add parameters for example if authentication is necessary, here we will simply keep it as simple as possible. With Zabbix here is the information you …

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Zabbix: restart a Windows service

In this tutorial, I will explain how to restart a Windows service where Zabbix agent is installed. If you followed the tutorial: Zabbix – Restart a service on Ubuntu – Linux, it’s almost identical. To illustrate this tutorial, we will try to restart the Winlogbeat service. As you can see, on several servers the Winlogbeat …

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Zabbix – Restart a service on Ubuntu – Linux

In this tutorial, I will show you, how to restart a service (systemctl) on Ubuntu/Debian monitor with Zabbix. When we supervise a server and in particular the services, it happens that we want to restart a service which will be “fallen” automatically in order to guarantee a level of service. Restarting a service to fix …

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Zabbix: monitoring your infrastructure – installation and configuration with Docker

In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up Zabbix with Docker to monitor your server and network infrastructure. For those who follow me regularly, I have long been a fan of PRTG for its “simplicity” but which has certain limits compared to Zabbix. I will come back to it in an article explaining …

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Agent FusionInventory: change the URL of GLPI

In this tutorial, I will explain how to modify the URL of the GLPI server on a FusionInventory Agent. You may need to make this type of change for several reasons: GLPI server change Protocol change to switch to HTTPS In this tutorial, we will see the second case, I had to do this manipulation …

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Ubuntu : install the FusionInventory agent

In this tutorial, I will explain how to install the FusionInventory agent on Ubuntu in order to bring it up in your GLPI inventory. Installation is done from the command line. Installation of prerequisites To function correctly, it is necessary to install several packages first. Enter the command line below to install all dependencies : …

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FOG agent installation script

The following script installs the FOG agent on fixed workstations at startup. The script must be placed in a group policy (GPO), which executes the script when the computer starts. Edit lines 8 and 9 by replacing fqdn with the URL to access the FOG server.

GPO: Installing the FusionInventory Agent

Following the many messages that I can see on the forum regarding the installation of the FusionInventory agent, I will explain how I have been proceeding for several years. In this article, I will explain how to install the FusionInventory agent using a script that runs when the computer starts up. It is possible to …

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Veeam Agent 3 for Windows: Installation and Configuration

Veeam Agent

The Veeam Agent allows physical or virtual computer backup directly from Windows unlike Veeam Backup & Replication which manages the backup of virtual machines from the Hypervisor (VMware, Hyper-V). Version 3 of the agent is available since January 2019 with the following new features: Change of the interface (even more sober). Optimized backup management Supports …

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