Jenkins: centralizing the management of scheduled tasks

Windows Server 2019

Jenkins setting

Now that Jenkins is up and running, we’re going to go over to setting up and installing the plugins needed to handle the scheduled tasks on Windows.

From the home page, click Administer Jenkins 1 .

administer Jenkins

Configuring global security

From the Administer Jenkins page, click Configure Global Security 1 .

Global security

Uncheck the box Enable security 1 and check the option Random 2 for the configuration of the ports of the agent. Then click on Save 3 .

Jenkins security

Return to Administer Jenkins.

Installing plugins to manage Windows

Click on Plugin Management 1 .

Plugins manager

The first plugin management page displays the pending updates. Click on the Available tab 1 .

plugins to update

In the search box enter Windows 1 to filter the plugins, select the 2 plugins (Powershell, Windows Agent WMI, WinRM Client) and click on Install without restart 3 .

select plugins for jenkins

Wait while downloading and installing plugins …

Wait during install plugins

Once the plugins are installed, check the Restart Jenkins box when the installation is complete and no job is in progress 1 .

Restart jenkins

Wait while restarting Jenkins …

Wait during restrat

If the page does not refresh automatically, press the F5 key on the keyboard. After rebooting it may be necessary to log in again.

Login page - Jenkins

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