WSUS migrate the database on sqlexpress

Connexion à WID

In this tutorial, I will explain how to migrate your WSUS database, which is default on Windows Internal Database to SQLExpress. Since Windows Server 2016, the installation of WSUS can be done directly on a SQL Server (Express) database. Why migrate to SQLExpress? There are several answers to this question: For performance and stability reasons, …

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Install SQLExpress

Listes des bases

Presentation SQLExpress is a free and limited version of the Microsoft SQL Server engine. The main limitations: The size per database is limited to 10GB No high availability functionality. SQL Express can be used with certain Windows Server features such as WSUS or RDS Broker instead of the WID engine. It is also possible to …

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Change password from the interface RDWEB

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to allow users to change their passwords using the Web Access portal available in a deployment of an RDS farm. To allow password change, you must have RDWEB Access published This solution allows users working exclusively on an RDS environment to change their password when it has …

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Add an AD DS domain controller to an existing domain

Schéma multi AD

In this article, I will explain how to add a domain controller to an existing domain and manage replication links. Below, an illustration of the final architecture: Throughout this tutorial, we will add the controller XXXX-AD1 to the existing domain, which already has two controllers on site A. Prerequisites for XXXX-AD1: When adding the first …

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GLPI: SSO with IIS – Single sign-on

In this article, I will explain how to implement SSO (Single Sign-On: Single Authentication) with GLPI installed with IIS. SSO saves the user from having to enter identifiers to connect to GLPI. Prerequisites Site configuration in IIS Open the IIS console, go to the GLPI site 1 and click on Authentication 2. Select Anonymous Authentication …

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FSMO roles

Presentation of FSMO roles In an Active Directory environment, there are 5 Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) roles, two roles are unique in the forest and the other three are unique in a domain. A domain controller can have none or more FSMO roles. Domain Naming Master It is unique in the forest, it is …

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Active Directory: access the Active Directory Schema console

The Active Directory Schema console is not available natively, it is necessary to register it in order to access it. This console is to be used with great care, improper handling can put the entire Active Directory forest in error. This console gives access to the role FSMO: Schema Master. 1. Open a command prompt …

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Create an Active Directory environment in PowerShell

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to create an Active Directory environment using PowerShell, that is to say the creation of the first domain controller which includes: The Active Directory tutorial: installing and configuring a domain controller explains how to do it using the graphical interface. Prerequisites Ideally from a blank server, which …

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Active Directory: Add a Domain Controller to PowerShell

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to add an Active Directory domain controller to an existing domain using PowerShell. To do this through the GUI, I invite you to read this article: Add an AD DS Domain Controller to an Existing Domain. (fr) Adding a domain controller to PowerShell is done in two …

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Work Folders: Installation and Configuration

Presentation The Work Folders feature allows you to set up a personal folder synchronized with a file server in HTTP (s) using a client available on Windows, Android and Apple. If web access is published on the Internet, this solution can synchronize files even from outside the company for mobile users. Work Folders are similar …

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