Windows 11 24H2: GPO application problem – gpupdate

With the deployment of Windows 11 24H2, you may have group policy application issues, which is visible by running the gpupdate command. Error message: Computer policy could not be updated successfully. The following errors were encountered:Group Policy processing failed. Windows could not resolve the computer name. This could be due to one of the following …

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In this tutorial, I will tell you how to resolve the UNEXPECTED INCONSISYENCY error when starting the computer in BusyBox mode. During a sudden shutdown with a disk access problem, it is possible that your Linux starts in BusyBox mode with a disk error and you have a prompt (initramfs) as shown in the screenshot …

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ADFS Proxy: Fix Error 0x8007520c

In this tutorial, I will tell you how to fix error 0x8007520c on an ADFS proxy server. When you open the Remote Access Management Console console, the following page is displayed: This error occurs during a certificate change and the proxy does not have the same fingerprint as the ADFS server. The easiest way to …

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SSH client: delete existing keys

In this tutorial, I will explain how to solve the error : WARNING : REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED. This error mainly occurs when you reinstall a Linux server with the same IP address and you have registered the thumbprint (key). Since the server has been reinstalled, it is normally that the key is changed. …

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Add-WindowsCapability: resolve error 0x800f0954

In this tutorial, I will explain how to solve error 0x800f0954 with the PowerShell Add-WindowsCapability Cmdlet when trying to install a Windows feature. This error mainly occurs when you use a WSUS server to update your Windows computers and therefore when using the Cmdlet Add-WindowsCapability, it will look for files on the WSUS server. Here …

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MDT : Application name is already used

MDT message d erreur

When creating a new application in MDT, you get the following message: Application name “application name” is already used. This error occurs when trying to create a new app with a name that was used and the app was deleted. Solution 1. Open the Applications.xml 1 file (with notepad++) located in X:\DeploymentShare\Control 2. Delete the …

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Outlook 2016: Office 365 authentication white window – Solution

With Windows 7 and Office 2016 couple, a white window is displayed when authenticating with an Office 365 account. This is due to the non-activation of the TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocol on WinHTTP. To solve the problem, apply the Microsoft Easy Fix 51044. Once applied, restart the account configuration, the authentication form is …

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Default Domain Policy: Remove Remote Installation Services settings

In this “troubleshooting”, I will explain how to remove the Remote Installation Services settings that are configured on the Default Domain Policy. On Active Directory domains, which were created with an older version of Windows Server (2003), User settings are configured (Policies / Windows Settings / Remote Installation Services / Client Installation Wizard Options). Custom …

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