SSH client: delete existing keys

In this tutorial, I will explain how to solve the error : WARNING : REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED. This error mainly occurs when you reinstall a Linux server with the same IP address and you have registered the thumbprint (key). Since the server has been reinstalled, it is normally that the key is changed. …

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Windows Server 2022: install the SSH server

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install SSH server (OpenSSH) on Windows Server 2019/2022. As of Windows Server 2019, the OpenSSH server is a native additional feature. For previous versions of Windows Server a tutorial is available here: OpenSSH client and server – installation on Windows Server 2012R2 and 2016 Using an …

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SSH: authentication by keys

In this tutorial, I will explain how to connect to a linux server / computer in SSH without password using a key pair (private / public). Generate the key pair with ssh-keygen To generate a pair of keys, you must have an SSH client available, it is possible to do it from Windows 10 or …

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OpenSSH client and server – installation on Windows Server 2012R2 and 2016

In this tutorial, I will explain how to install the OpenSSH client and Server on Windows Server 2012R2 and 2016. At the time of writing this tutorial, this feature is native to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 and you might also want to have OpenSSH client or server on an earlier version. Personally, I …

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Ansible: installation, configuration and use with Windows and Linux

Ansible is open source multi-platform configuration management software (Linux, Windows, network equipment, etc.). In other words, Ansible will allow you to manage, deploy or even execute actions on a group of computers in a “single command line”. Actions / configuration are written to a YAML format file also called playbook. Through this tutorial, I will …

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Windows 10 : use the native SSH client

On Windows 10, there is a native SSH client that can be used in a command prompt, PowerShell prompt, or Terminal. At the end of this tutorial, you will no longer need Putty if you are using it exclusively for logging in via SSH. Check if the client is installed The easiest way to check …

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Log root SSH on Ubuntu/ Debian


By default, the connection with the root account is not possible because it does not have a password and the SSH server is configured so as not to allow connection with the root account. It happens that for some operation / installation the root account is required. In this tutorial, we will have how to …

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