Configuring the Update for Windows Server Clusters

Clustered Update is a feature that allows you to update servers in a failover cluster with little or no loss of availability during the update process. During an update run, the feature transparently performs the following tasks: The automatic update process triggers a scheduled failover. This may result in a temporary downtime for connected clients. …

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WPP: Deploying Applications with WSUS

Update added

In this tutorial, we will see how to deploy applications (Firefox, Chrome, Fusion Agent, Java …) using the WSUS role and WPP. As a reminder, WSUS is a Windows role that allows you to administer updates to Microsoft products within a computer pool. WPP (Wsus Package Publisher) will allow us to add custom packages to …

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WSUS: Remove Drivers from Updates

Not long ago, I wanted to enable driver updates through WSUS. When I saw the amount of drivers to download compared to the percentage used, I wanted to backtrack. The problem is that once you synchronize to the WSUS database, you have to approve or reject the files. The solution to remove all traces of …

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WSUS: Fix the problem of downloading Windows 10 updates

Console IIS on WSUS

The upgrades of Windows 10 are distributed using an .ESD file. By default, the WSUS server (IIS) does not process requests on ESD files and this fact in the Windows Update Manager updates remains at 0% download. To solve this problem, it has the MIME type declared in IIS. 1. Go to the IIS console …

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WSUS : automatic approval of updates

apply the rule

In this tutorial, we will see how to automatically approve definition updates on WSUS. Definition updates are available almost daily, automatic approval avoids doing so. Approve updates automatically 1. Go to the WSUS console in Options 1 and click on Automatic Approvals 2 . 2. Click New Rule 1 . 3. Check the box When …

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Update Veeam Backup and Replication

Console Veeam

In this tutorial, we will see how to update the Veeam Backup and Replication backup software. This operation is usually carried out once or twice a year. Schedule the update operation at a time when no job is in progress (Backup, Backup Copy, Replication …). Allow 1 to 2 hours to complete Veeam. The captures …

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How to update GLPI

GLPI, base de données à jour

In this tutorial I will explain how to update GLPI. Before updating GLPI, I strongly recommend that you make a full backup (file + database). Once your backup is done, you should also check the following: If you use plugins, that they are compatible with the new version That your environment is compatible (Apache / …

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GLPI 9.3 convert tables to innodb

Presentation Since version 9.3 of GLPI, the new installations use the InnoDB storage format instead of MyISAM. When updating your GLPI, the tables will not be automatically migrated. The migration must be done by hand. When connecting to your site you will have an alert message telling you that tables are not in the correct …

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