GPO Login Script

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see how to set up a GPO that will execute a logon script. Logon scripts are usually in batch or vbs format, it is also possible to run PowerShell scripts. The use of script in PowerShell requires to authorize the use of remote script (set-executionpolicy), it is also necessary …

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Work Folders: Installation and Configuration

Presentation The Work Folders feature allows you to set up a personal folder synchronized with a file server in HTTP (s) using a client available on Windows, Android and Apple. If web access is published on the Internet, this solution can synchronize files even from outside the company for mobile users. Work Folders are similar …

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GPO: Enabling and Configuring WinRM – Remote Management

Presentation In this tutorial, we will have how to enable and configure remote management (WinRM – Windows Remote Management) using a Group Policy (GPO). On Windows Server, remote access (WinRM) is enabled by default, which is not the case for client versions of Windows (10). WinRM allows you to administer the computer using: Server Manager …

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GPO: Folder Redirection – Advanced Settings

Introduction In a previous tutorial: GPO: User Folder Redirection, I explained how to redirect user folders using Group Policy in a simple way. In this article, we are going to have how to set up a folder redirection using the advanced settings. Advanced settings allow using a policy, to write user folders based on an …

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GPO: User Folder Redirection

Aperçu de la stratégie

Presentation User Folder Redirection allows Windows to store the contents of certain user profile folders on a network location. This solution has the following advantages: No local file storage. Possibility for users to change computers and find their folders and files. In an RDS environment, you can have the same documents on the user computers …

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GPO: Configure SSO on RDS Connections

Résumé de la GPO

Presentation In this article, we’ll see how to set up Single Sign-on (SSO) on Remote Desktop (RDS) connections using a GPO. This solution eliminates the need for users to re-enter their login to connect to an RDS server or RemoteApp connections. Policy Configuration – GPO Ouvrir la console de Gestion des stratégies de groupes, sélectionner …

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GPO: Managing Windows Firewall Rules

firewall rule added

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see how to add rules to the Windows Firewall using Group Policy. For information, the Windows Firewall has been implemented in the Windows operating system with service pack 2 (SP2) of Windows XP. It is now part of the system and some functionalities like DirectAccess requires that it be …

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RDS: reduce the logon time with Asynchronous processing


Introduction Before I explain how to optimize the opening of sessions on your RDS servers, I will explain the operation. By default, since Windows XP, the group policy processing mode is asynchronous, that is, the user’s session is opened until the group policies are applied after which the task is loaded. work environment faster. However, …

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GPO: Deploy RemoteApp Programs

Introduction In this tutorial we will see how to deploy RemoteApp configured by Group Policy (GPO) on an RDS farm. Prerequisites The deployment of the RDS farm must have: A server with the RD Web Access service. A collection of configured with remoteapp programs. Customers must be on Windows 8 minimum. In order to improve …

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