MDT – Installation and configuration – Microsoft Deployment Toolkit

Windows Server 2019

In this tutorial, we will see how to install and configure MDT (Microsoft Deployment Toolkit) which is a free deployment tool from Microsoft. Then how to deploy Windows 10.

MDT allows both the deployment of Desktop version and Server versions of Windows.

The administration of MDT is done using an MMC console in which we will configure a network share with all the elements that will allow the deployment and customization of Windows.

Unlike WDS (Windows Deployment Services), MDT does not offer a PXE boot environment, instead we will generate a Pre boot environment (WinPE) in ISO and WIM format.

To use the WinPe environment, several possible solutions:

Prerequisites for installing MDT

Hardware requirements

To set up MDT, you need a computer (virtual or physical) with preferably Windows server installed (it is possible to install MDT on Windows 10).

MDT consumes very little CPU and RAM resources, it is necessary to provide enough disk space for storing images, driver applications that will be deployed.

It is recommended to have at least a 1Gb connection.

Software requirements

On the computer where MDT will be installed it is necessary to install Windows ADK and the WinPE add-in for Windows ADK.

Windows ADK must first be installed and then the WinPE environment, because this is an additional module if ADK is not installed, it will not be possible to install the WinPE environment.

The installation of the two components being basic, I do not detail all the steps.


Since writing this tutorial, several Windows ADK and Windows PE updates have been released.

To work correctly with MDT, I advise you to download the ADK and Windows PE version for Windows 10, version 2004. This version of the ADK and Windows PE components in no way prevents the deployment of Windows 11 with MDT

Windows ADK installation

Downlaod Windows ADK on the Microsoft site.

Download ADK

Run the download file (adksetup.exe).

When launching the wizard, choose Install Windows Deployment and Assessment Kit – Windows 10 on computer 1 and click Next 2.

Select folder for install Windows ADK

Skip the different stages of the wizard, at the choice of functionalities, select the functionalities as in the screenshot below 1 and click on Install 2.

Select features

Confirm the execution of the MSI then wait during the installation, once finished close the wizard.

Installation de Windows PE add-on for the ADK

Download Windows PE add-on for the ADK on the Microsoft website.

Run the download file (adkwinpesetup.exe).

When launching the wizard, choose the installation option 1 and click on Next 2.

Choose installation option

Select the Env component. Windows Preinstallation Guide (Windows PE) 1 and click Install 2.

Choose the WinPE environment

Wait during the installation, the time will depend on the Internet connection ….

At the end of the installation, quit the wizard by clicking on Close 1.

Installation complete

Installation of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit – MDT

Download MDT

Download MDT on the Microsoft website.

Installation of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit

Run the download file (MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit_x64.msi).

When the wizard is launched, click on Next 1.

Installation wizard

Check the box 1 to accept the license and click on Next 2.


Leave the default components, if necessary change the installation path (the configuration of the location of the images is done after). Click on Next 1.


Choose if you want to send information to Microsoft 1 and click on Next 2.

Remonter d'utilisation

Click on Install 1.

Lancer l'installation

Click on Yes 1 to authorize the installation program.

Wait during installation …

Patienter pendant l'installation

Once MDT has been installed, click on Finish 1 to close the wizard.

Installation terminée de MDT

MDT: Configuration of deployment sharing – DeploymentShare

The first configuration step (which is to be done only once) is the configuration of the network share, which will store Windows images, applications and drivers. The WinPE installation environment is generated from the deployment share properties,

It is possible to configure multiple shares from the same console.

Deployment sharing configuration

Open the MDT administration console available from the start menu.

Ouvrir la console MDT

Right click on Deployment Shares 1 and click on New Deployment Share

Nouveau partage de déploiement

Indicate the physical location on the server 1 and click on Next 2>

Emplacement du partage MDT

Indicate the name of the share 1 and click on Next 2.

Nom du partage

A $ is added to the end of the share name to make it invisible on the Windows network.

Enter a description for sharing 1 and click Next 2.

Click on Next 1 to validate the default options.

Option de déploiement

We will see in another tutorial, how to customize the entire deployment sequence.

A summary of the configuration is displayed, click on Next 1 to create the deployment share.

Résumé de la configuration

Wait while creating and configuring the deployment share for MDT.

When finished, click on Finish 1 to exit the wizard.

Partage de déploiement créé.

Share 1 is available in the MDT console in the Deployment Shares node.

If we look at Windows Explorer, we find in the folder almost the same tree structure as in the console.

Aperçu par l'explorer Windows

A few words about Deployment Shares.

As we can see on the previous capture, each folder available in the console (except monitoring) is physically present on the server.

The folders correspond to items available for deployment such as applications, Windows images, etc.

It is possible to create folders and sub-folders to organize items.

Presentation of the files: First step with the MDT console.

Deployment share properties

To access the properties, right click on the 1 folder and click on Properties 2.

Accéder aux propriétés

General tab

From the General tab, it is possible to modify the physical location and UNC. It is also possible to choose the supported versions. In a recent environment, it may be possible to disable x86 support.

Onglet General

Rules tab

From this tab, it is possible to modify the behavior of WinPE during deployment, to pre-configure options such as the keyboard, time zone … It is also possible to access the bootstrap.ini file which is a customization file integrate into WinPE image.

Each time you modify the bootstrap.ini file, you must (re) generate the WinPE image.

Onglet rules

WinPE tab

The WinPE tab is used to configure and customize the boot images.

Onglet WinPE

Monitoring tab

From this tab, it is possible to activate monitoring to follow the progress of deployments from the MDT console.

Onglet Monitoring

MDT: Generate the WinPE installation image

We will see how to generate the WinPE image, which will allow the deployment of Windows with MDT.

Configuring the WinPE environment

Depuis la console d’administration, faire un clic droit sur le partage 1 et cliquer sur Propriétés.

Ouvrir les propriétés du partage

Go to the Windows PE tab 1, choose the version 2 and the images to generate 3 then go to the Features tab 4.

Winpe config general

On the screenshot above, I configure the X64 image which will be generated in WIM and ISO format.

The Features tab allows you to add additional components to the WinPE environment, once the configuration is complete, click on Apply 1 and OK 2 to close the properties window.

Configuration des fonctionnalités.

The Drivers and Patches tab allows you to choose the drivers to inject, by default all network drivers and storage controllers are added to the image.

Generate WinPE image

Right click on the share 1 and click on Update Deployment Share 2 to launch the wizard.

Lancer l'assistant de génération.

When the wizard is launched, click on Next 1.

Option de génération

Since this is the first generation of image, it will be complete, in order to save time during modifications and regeneration, the image is updated according to the modifications. It is possible to redo a full generation by selecting the Completely regenerate the boot images option.

A summary of the action is displayed, click on Next 1.

Wait while creating WinPE images …

When the generation is finished, click on Finish 1 to close the wizard.

Image WinPE generee

With Windows Explorer, go to the Boot folder of the deployment share to recover the generated images.

Image files

The image in WIM format can be used with WDS to use it in PXE and the ISO file can be burned, be put on a USB key or used in Hyper-V / VMware.

MDT: add Windows image

In this part, we will see how to add a Windows image to MDT.

Download the latest version of Windows 10 in ISO format using the Media Creator Tool.

Convert the ESD file to WIM format to import it into MDT.

Create a folder

In order to organize Windows images, they will be stored in a folder.

Right click on Operating System 1 and click on New Folder 2.

New folder

Name the folder 1 and click on Next 2.

Folder  name

Click on Next 1 to confirm the creation of the folder.

Confirme creat folder

Once the folder has been created, exit the wizard by clicking on Finish 1.

Folder created in MDT

The folder is accessible in the MDT console.


Import a Windows image into MDT

From the console, right click on folder 1 where the image should be stored and click on Import Operating System 2.

Import Windows image into MDT

Choose the type of image, to import a file in WIM format, choose Custom image file 1 and click on Next 2.

Choose the type of image

Indicate the location of the WIM file 1 to import and click on Next 2.

Location of the file to import

Click on Next 1.

Click again on Next 1, if necessary change the name of the folder.

A summary is displayed, click on Next 1 to import the operating system into MDT.

Confirm import

Wait during the import …

The import of the MDT image in Windows is finished, exit the wizard by clicking on Finish 1.

Import complete

The image has been added to the MDT console.

MDT: Add a task sequence

A task sequence contains a set of actions to be performed on the computer that executes it:

  • Windows deployment
  • Application installation
  • Sysprep
  • Backup
  • ….

In order to be able to deploy the Windows image, it is necessary to create a task sequence.

Right click on Task Sequences 1 then click on New Task Sequence 2.

New task sequence

Enter an ID 1 in Task Sequence ID, name the sequence 2 then click on Next 3.

Choose the Standard Client Task Sequence 1 template and click Next 2.

Select Template

Select the Windows image 1 to be installed and click on Next 2.

Choose the operating system

Choose Do not specify a product key at this time 1 and click on Next 2.

Configuration of the activation key

Click on Next 1 to pass the OS parameters.

OS Settings

Enter the password for the local Administrator account 1 and click Next 2.

Local administrator account password

We will see that during deployment, the password will be requested, it is necessary to configure the SkipAdminPassword = YES directive in the CustomSetting.ini file to take account of the password.

A summary of the task sequence is displayed, confirm the creation by clicking Next 1.

Summary of the sequence

Once the sequence has been created, click on Finish 1.

Task created

The sequence is added.

Task sequence added

The properties of the task sequence allow you to rename it, to deactivate it, which allows it to be hidden during deployment. The Task sequence tab allows you to see all the steps performed during the application of the sequence such as formatting, restoration … It is possible to customize actions such as adding a script. The OS Info tab provides information on the operating system linked to the task sequence.

MDT: Windows deployment

Maintenant que MDT est configuré, nous allons voir le déploiement de Windows.

For the tutorial, I use a virtual machine under Hyper-V which is configured to start on the CD / DVD drive with the ISO Winpe which has been generated.

Start on the WinPE image and wait while loading …

Configure the keyboard 1 and click on Run the Deployment Wizard to installa new Operating System 2.

Start deployment wizard

Enter the identifiers 1 of user authorized to connect to the MDT share and click on OK 2.

Credential for MDT Share

Select the task sequence 1 and click on Next 2.

Select Task Sequence

Configure the computer name and if it should be added to the domain 1 and click on Next 2.

Name and domain

Click on Next 1.

Backup data

If the computer already had a Windows installation, it is possible to save user profiles.

Click on Next 1 to proceed with profile restoration.


Backup data can be restored by a backup task sequence.

Configure the language options and time zone 1 and click Next 2.

Local and Time

Enter the password 1 for the local administrator account and click on Next 2.

Local administrator password

Click on Next 1 to pass the configuration of BitLocker.

BitLocker configuration

A deployment summary is displayed, click on Begin 1 to start it.

Deployment summary by MDT

Wait for the deployment, the computer will restart several times.

Once the deployment is complete, a window with the result is displayed, click on Finish 1 to close it.

deployment complete

The computer is ready.


Through this tutorial, we have seen how to install and use MDT with Windows deployment. The tutorial gives you an overview of what can be done with Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

To go further with MDT, you can consult these other tutorials (in French translation in progress):

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