By default, it is not possible to use disks on a Raid bus with S2D as shown in the image of the prerequisites below:

The following PowerShell command displays the bus type of the hard disks:
Get-Disk | select Number, FriendlyName, OperationalStatus, Size, PartitionStyle, BusType | sort Number | ft -AutoSize

The disks are configured as non-raid on the server (Idrac), even passing the PERC in HBA, the disks back as being on a bus type RAID.
It is possible to work around this limitation by adding a registry key.
On the server from which, the pool will be created, open the registry editor (regedit) and go:
Add a new DWORD key named AllowBusTypeRAID with the value 1.

Restart the server.
Once the server reboots, it is possible to add disks on a RAID bus.
Source :
Do not use in production, because all the disks will be attached to a single server.