Active directory: Delete a child domain

In the article Active directory: setting up a child domain where I explain how to configure a child domain in an Active Directory environment, I will explain here how to delete a child domain. As a reminder, when setting up the child domain, a trust relationship was created between the two domains and DNS delegation …

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Remove an Active Directory Domain Controller

Supprimer controleur de domaine

In this article, we will see how to remove a domain controller in an Active Directory environment. The deletion is done in two steps: Demote the domain controller: remove the controller configuration. Delete roles. Before downgrading the server, ensure that the server does not have an FSMO role and always have at least 2 active …

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Windows file server: save access to files and folders

audit acces

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see a feature built into Windows, folder and file access auditing. This function allows logger access to resources (files and resources). It may be worthwhile to enable auditing on sensitive enterprise files to see if unauthorized people are trying to access it. Audit configuration Folder configuration 1. On the …

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Manage Windows Server remotely in PowerShell with PSSession

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to remotely administer a Windows server in PowerShell (Powershell remoting) with PSSession. PSSession is the prefix of several Powershell commands that allow connection and management of it. All the commands in this tutorial are to be done with a PowerShell command prompt Prerequisites On the server where …

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WDS: capture an image of Windows

wds capture windows

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to capture Windows with a capture image on the WDS service. Before capturing the machine, the operating system must have been prepared using the sysprep utility. If you want to capture the image and send it automatically to the WDS server, you must first inject the drivers …

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Windows 10: Installing the Telnet Client

Telnet is a command line utility that is routinely used in network and system administration to test communication between their machine. Telnet (or telecommunication network, or teletype network) is a protocol used on any TCP / IP network, to communicate with a remote server by exchanging lines of text and receiving answers also in text …

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Windows 10: disable defender

Sometimes, for testing purposes, it is necessary to disable the real-time antivirus protection. Here’s how to do it with disable defender on Windows 10. 1. Open the “1” settings of Windows 10 accessible through the start menu. 2. Click Update and Security 1 >. 3. Go to Windows Security 1 and click on Open Windows …

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Windows: clean the WinSXS folder

The C: \ Windows \ WinSXS folder is the location of the component store files that allows for the addition of features, roles, and updates. With time the repertoire can become very large. I will explain how to clean it. I also advise you to clean this folder on your reference images with capturing them. …

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Upload PSTs on Office 365 and import into accounts

When migrating to Office 365, you may need to return the history of old mailboxes in the news using the PST archives. There are several ways to do this: Import from the Outlook client directly (I highly recommend this solution). IMAP copies from the Office 365 migration interface. Send PSTs on Microsoft servers for import. …

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Windows : make a sysprep

Presentation Sysprep is a Windows utility that allows you to prepare a system for deployment. This operation generates a new SID when you install Windows. On the same Active Directory domain, there must be Windows with the SID. To capture an image with WDS, the installation must have been prepared with a sysprep. Realize the …

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