GLPI 10: configure automatic computer inventory with GLPI Agent

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up automatic inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. Before version 10 of GLPI, you had to go through a plugin (Fusioninventory or OCSInventory) to have automatic inventory in GLPI. Since this functionality is native to GLPI, if you are used to using FusionInventory, you …

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PowerShell: sign scripts

In this tutorial, I will explain how to sign your scripts. Before going into the subject, we will see why signing the scripts, the main reason is security. If your environment (computers + servers) is configured to run only signed scripts and a PowerShell script is launched in a malicious file, it will be neutralized …

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PowerShell: download a file in HTTP, HTTPS

In this tutorial, I will explain how to download a file using PowerShell that is on a server accessible in HTTP or HTTPS. This can be particularly useful when administering a server without an interface, where the only browser installed is Internet Explorer or in a script. There are several solutions to download one using …

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Install Docker on Ubuntu and Debian

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu and Debian. Installation of Docker and docker-compose from the official repositories Docker and docker-compose are part of the official repositories of both distributions (Ubuntu and Debian), so just run the two commands below: Installing Docker: Installing docker-compose: The …

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Jenkins: run PowerShell scripts

To complete the tutorial on Jenkins where I explain how to use it to run scheduled tasks and therefore turn it into a scheduler, I will show you in this tutorial, how to run PowerShell scripts. The Double-Hop Problem If you followed the first tutorial, I showed you how to run “simple” PowerShell cmdlets. If …

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Windows 10: install Windows Terminal

In this “how to” tutorial, I will explain how to install the Windows Terminal application available on Windows 10. Before launching into the “technical” part, I will first introduce you to Windows Terminal. Windows Terminal is an application which groups together all the command windows (CMD, PowerShell, WSL) in a single application and which allows …

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GPO Login Script

Presentation In this tutorial, we will see how to set up a GPO that will execute a logon script. Logon scripts are usually in batch or vbs format, it is also possible to run PowerShell scripts. The use of script in PowerShell requires to authorize the use of remote script (set-executionpolicy), it is also necessary …

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