GPO: Run PowerShell script at logon

In this tutorial, I will show you how to run a PowerShell script at user logon using Group Policy (GPO) in an Active Directory environment. Before you begin this tutorial, here are some considerations when running scripts at login: In this tutorial I will use a pretty simple script, it will just create an entry …

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GLPI 10: configure automatic computer inventory with GLPI Agent

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up automatic inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. Before version 10 of GLPI, you had to go through a plugin (Fusioninventory or OCSInventory) to have automatic inventory in GLPI. Since this functionality is native to GLPI, if you are used to using FusionInventory, you …

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PowerShell: sign scripts

In this tutorial, I will explain how to sign your scripts. Before going into the subject, we will see why signing the scripts, the main reason is security. If your environment (computers + servers) is configured to run only signed scripts and a PowerShell script is launched in a malicious file, it will be neutralized …

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PowerShell: download a file in HTTP, HTTPS

In this tutorial, I will explain how to download a file using PowerShell that is on a server accessible in HTTP or HTTPS. This can be particularly useful when administering a server without an interface, where the only browser installed is Internet Explorer or in a script. There are several solutions to download one using …

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View Active Directory Group Members in PowerShell

In this tutorial, I will explain how to display the members of an Active Directory group in PowerShell. I already see some reaction of the style, we can have it from the graphical interface, it’s true, but in some cases the use of PowerShell saves a lot of time, especially when using ADGLP I will …

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Install Docker on Ubuntu and Debian

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu and Debian. Installation of Docker and docker-compose from the official repositories Docker and docker-compose are part of the official repositories of both distributions (Ubuntu and Debian), so just run the two commands below: Installing Docker: Installing docker-compose: The …

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Jenkins: run PowerShell scripts

To complete the tutorial on Jenkins where I explain how to use it to run scheduled tasks and therefore turn it into a scheduler, I will show you in this tutorial, how to run PowerShell scripts. The Double-Hop Problem If you followed the first tutorial, I showed you how to run “simple” PowerShell cmdlets. If …

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