Active Directory: configuring dynamic access control – DAC

In this tutorial, I suggest you discover the dynamic access control available on Windows Server in an Active Directory environment. Before getting to the heart of the matter, I will introduce you to dynamic access control also called DAC (Dynamic Access Control). DAC adds additional control over NTFS access rights which allows rights to be …

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Classification Management – File Server Resource Manager – FSRM

Overview of classification management In this tutorial, I will introduce you to Classification Management on a Windows File Server and how to set it up. Classification is an element of File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) that also allows you to set up file filters and quotas. The classification is also used for the implementation of …

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Windows Server : apply quotas on folders

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to apply quotas on a file server with the File Server Resource Manager. A quota is a quantity (volume) of disk space allocated to a folder, it can be applied for audit purposes (conditional), it can be exceeded or strict (unconditional). By default, it is possible to …

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File Server Resource Manager – FSRM – Files Filter

Console du Gestionnaire de ressources du serveur de fichiers

File Server Resource Manager Overview In this tutorial, I will introduce the File Server Resource Manager FSRM, which is a feature of the File Server role. FSRM allows several things at the file server level: Quota application on a folder Automatic tasks on folders and files (automatic archiving of unopened files from xxxx) Storage report …

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Windows File Server: Storage Usage Report

Introduction The file server resource manager on Windows can generate reports on storage usage: Duplicate files Files by group (images / music / office …) Modification date, access … Reports are available on demand where they can be generated periodically. To illustrate this tutorial, I will show you how to generate a report on the …

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