Create a sub-certificate authority with AD CS

In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a sub CA with Windows AD CS. Sub-CAs are underused on firewalls when SSL decryption is implemented, generating a sub-CA with Windows AD CS allows you to avoid deploying the firewall certificate if you have already deployed the root certificate. Before you begin, verify that the …

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Ubuntu: add a certificate from an internal certificate authority

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add the certificate of an internal CA on an Ubuntu machine. In business, we often use an Enterprise Certification Authority, which allows us to generate certificates for applications, services, computers and users. If you have servers under Ubuntu and you want, for example, to use scripts …

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PowerShell: sign scripts

In this tutorial, I will explain how to sign your scripts. Before going into the subject, we will see why signing the scripts, the main reason is security. If your environment (computers + servers) is configured to run only signed scripts and a PowerShell script is launched in a malicious file, it will be neutralized …

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Windows Server: disable a cipher suite

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to disable a cipher suite also call cipher. If you arrive on this tutorial by a search engine, there is a good chance that it is due to a vulnerability test and that you have an alert that goes up because vulnerable cryptographic suites (cipher) are …

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Nginx: generate a Let’s Encrypt certificate

After seeing how to install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy and harden security with Crowdsec, I will explain in this tutorial how to generate a Let’s Encrypt certificate. As a reminder, Let’s Encrypt is a free certification authority, which allows you to obtain SSL certificates for free. If you want to generate SSL …

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PFX certificate: extract the certificate and the private key

In this tutorial, I will explain how to extract the certificate and the private key from a certificate in PFX format with OpenSSL. The easiest way to use OpenSSL is to use a Linux computer. 1. Copy the PFX file to your computer where OpenSSL is installed. 2. The first step will be to extract …

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Certify The Web: Easily Generate Let’s Encrypt Certificates for IIS

In this tutorial, I will tell you how to easily generate Let’s Encrypt certificates for IIS with Certify The Web software. I have already covered the topic of Let’s Encrypt certificates on IIS in Installing a Let’s Encrypt certificate on IIS and this one Let’s encrypt generate a PFX with IIS to generate pfx. With …

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Active Directory Right Management Services: Installation and Configuration

protected document

Introduction AD RMS (Active Directory Right Management) is a Windows Server service that provides extended rights management for certain files. The system is similar to the DRM protection that protects intellectual property. In internal use, AD RMS extends NTFS security rights by limiting actions on a Word file by preventing the printing or saving of …

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