In this tutorial I will explain how to update GLPI.
Before updating GLPI, I strongly recommend that you make a full backup (file + database).
Once your backup is done, you should also check the following:
- If you use plugins, that they are compatible with the new version
- That your environment is compatible (Apache / IIS, PHP, Mysql / MariaDB …)
- Read the feedback on the update especially in case of major release
Some updates pose more problem (bug) than they correct (I do not speak specifically of GLPI) ….
Update GLPI
1. Go to the official website and download the latest version.

2.Unzip the archive and sending its contents to the server.

3. Once the transfer is complete, open a web browser and go to the local address of GLPI, a page appears indicating that the database is not in the correct version, click on Update 1.

4. A confirmation message appears indicating that the database is up to date, click on Use GLPI 1 .

5. An alert message appears indicating the presence of the install folder.

6. In the web server folder, delete or rename the install 1 folder.

7. Refresh the page, alert should not be displayed, you must now reactivate the plugins, click on Configuration 1 then Plugins 2 .

8. For each plugin, click the Enable 1 button.

9. The update is now complete.