GLPI 10: link with an Active Directory

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to link GLPI 10 with an Active Directory to allow users to log in with their domain account. This link will allow you to synchronize users in GLPI, if you use an email collector, this allows you to provision user accounts and allows the import of emails …

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Download GLPI from command line on Linux

In this tutorial, I will explain how to download GLPI from the command line with wget, unzip it and move it to the virtualhost folder. If you have a Web server under Linux with Nginx, this tutorial will allow you to install GLPI without needing to use a WinSCP type client or FTP server. 1. …

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GLPI 10: configuration of email notifications

In this tutorial, I will explain how to enable and configure email notifications. To send messages, we will configure an SMTP server. To work, notifications need automatic actions to be correctly configured. Enable and configure email notifications in GLPI In the menu, expand Configuration 1 and click on Notifications 2. By default, notifications are not …

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GLPI 10: add a message collector

Présentation The collector in GLPI allows you to retrieve emails from a mailbox and then create a ticket. If in your organization you have a mailbox dedicated to IT incidents, the collector will allow you to collect emails from this mailbox and create a ticket automatically. When message (email) notifications are enabled, if users respond …

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How to upgrade from GLPI 9.5.X to GLPI 10.0.X

In this article, which is not really going to be a tutorial, but rather a guide to help you move from GLPI 9.5.X to GLPI 10.0.X. At the time of writing this guide in 2024, it has now been almost 2 years since GLPI 10 is out. There are still many organizations that have still …

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GLPI 10: automatic actions configuration

Dans ce tutoriel, je vais vous expliquer comment configurer les actions automatiques dans GLPI 10. Overview of automatic actions in GLPI To carry out certain background actions such as email notifications, collection of messages for ticket generation, various maintenance tasks, etc. GLPI 10 uses automatic actions also called cron. Automatic actions are executed with two …

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GLPI 10: network inventory with GLPI Agent

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to set up network inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. This is the functionality equivalent to network discovery and inventory with FusionInventory: Fusion Inventory: Configuring Discovery and Inventory Tasks – 247-IT Presentation of network inventory with GLPI Agent The network inventory allows you to discover …

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GLPI 10: configure automatic computer inventory with GLPI Agent

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up automatic inventory in GLPI 10 with GLPI Agent. Before version 10 of GLPI, you had to go through a plugin (Fusioninventory or OCSInventory) to have automatic inventory in GLPI. Since this functionality is native to GLPI, if you are used to using FusionInventory, you …

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GLPI 10: installation

In this tutorial, I will explain how to install GLPI 10. Presentation of GLPI GLPI is the acronym for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique, it is open source software written in PHP and which uses a MySQL or MariaDB database. GLPI is today published by the company Teclib which distributes GLPI under an Open Source …

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Agent FusionInventory: change the URL of GLPI

In this tutorial, I will explain how to modify the URL of the GLPI server on a FusionInventory Agent. You may need to make this type of change for several reasons: GLPI server change Protocol change to switch to HTTPS In this tutorial, we will see the second case, I had to do this manipulation …

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