Install WSUS role on Windows Server 2025

In this tutorial, we will see how to install the WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) role on Windows Server 2025, which will allow you to have a server in your environment to control the distribution of updates for Microsoft products (Windows, Office, SQL Server, etc.). The WSUS role is also a “component” of MECM, because …

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SQL Server: reduce the size of the transaction log

In this “troubleshooting” tutorial, we will see how to reduce the transaction file (ldf) of a SQL Server database. Normally this file is truncated during server backups (Veeam, Altaro …) or by the maintenance plan. In certain situations with SQL Express, the “truncation” is not done and if the size of the file is badly …

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WSUS migrate the database on sqlexpress

Connexion à WID

In this tutorial, I will explain how to migrate your WSUS database, which is default on Windows Internal Database to SQLExpress. Since Windows Server 2016, the installation of WSUS can be done directly on a SQL Server (Express) database. Why migrate to SQLExpress? There are several answers to this question: For performance and stability reasons, …

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Sharepoint 2013 foundation: installation and configuration

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to set up Sharepoint 2013 foundation on Windows 2012R2. Although this version at the time of writing this article is more than 5 years old, it allows to discover Sharepoint before making its acquisition. SharePoint is a web portal that allows to set up within a structure …

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SQL Express: backup plan with SQL Backup Master

Job added

Introduction With the SQL Express version, it is not possible to set up a backup plan using SSMS. There are many scripts on the Internet for performing a backup, in this tutorial I will explain how to put in backup plan with a SQL Backup Master that is available for free. The installation of the …

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SQL Server: Set up a backup plan

Edit plan

Introduction In this article, I will explain how to set up a backup plan with SQL Server. In this tutorial, we will use the wizard available in SSMS to configure the database to save as well as the schedule and then we will modify the plan to indicate the location. Prerequisites SQL Server (no Express …

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SQL Server Restore a Database from a Backup (BAK)

Lauch restore

In this tutorial, I will show you how to restore a SQL Server database from a backup file (BAK). To perform the restore, you must have SQL Server Manager Studio (SSMS). Restore a database In order to find the backup files, I copied them to the Backup folder of the SQL Server installation, which is …

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Install WSUS with a SQL Server database

Since Windows 2016 server, it is possible to install the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) directly with a SQL Server database. In this article we will see how to proceed. Prerequisites To install WSUS with a SQL Server database you need: Windows 2016 or 2019 server for the WSUS role An instance of SQL Server …

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SQL Server configure remote access

This article describes how to configure remote access to a SQL Server (EXPRESS). 1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager. 2. Go to SQL Server Network Configuration / Protocols for SERVER NAME, then right-click TCP / IP and click Properties. 3. Go to the IP Addresses 1 tab and then search for the IPAll 2 …

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Optimize the space of SQL Server databases

Start optimization

In this tutorial I will show how to optimize the space used by databases. The optimization of the space is done in two stages: On the database: internal data optimization On files: reducing the size of the files on the disk. It is recommended that you perform these operations after deleting a large amount of …

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