Network share: enable enumeration based on access EBA

Active EBA

Introduction The access-based enumeration allows to display in a network share, only folders and files whose use has at least a right of reading. Other documents and folders will be hidden. Enabling this feature will increase the CPU resource consumption on the file server because at each access this will check what should be displayed. …

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DFS : installation and configuration – Distributed File System


The namespace of DFS makes it possible to provide shared, which are on different servers under the same name.

Instead of accessing a shared folder with the \\server-file\ computer address, we will use an address of the type \\domain-name\ share\ computer. The user will be redirected transparently on the “server-file” server.

In a simplified way, in the folder \\domain-name\share will be shortcuts to other shares that are several servers and this in a completely transparent way for the user.