GLPI 10: installation

In this tutorial, I will explain how to install GLPI 10.

Presentation of GLPI

GLPI is the acronym for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique, it is open source software written in PHP and which uses a MySQL or MariaDB database.

GLPI is today published by the company Teclib which distributes GLPI under an Open Source license. It is possible to subscribe to services from the Teclib company for hosting, support and also have exclusive plugins.

GLPI is an ITSM software that allows:

  • Incident and problem management (Tickets).
  • Automatic inventories of computers and various equipment through agents.
  • Financial management
  • Project management

Prerequisites for installing GLPI 10

To install GLPI you will need:

  • A web server (Apache, Nginx, Litespeed, IIS)
  • PHP 7.4 to 8.2
  • A database (MariaDB or MYSQL)

It is also possible to run GLPI on a Linux or Windows server.

Link to documentation :

Environment to use in this tutorial

In this tutorial, I decided to install GLPI on an Ubuntu server (linux) and to run the various necessary services (web / php / database) in a container with Docker.

Having several websites on this server, GLPI will be accessible through an Nginx reverse proxy.

So I will use 3 containers:

  • Nginx
  • PHP
  • MariaDB

The container images that I use are images that I built myself.

You will find all the files here:

Preparation of the environment

On my server, I will work in the folders : /containers/glpi10/.

I also created a DNS record for the GLPI access URL.

I’ll start by cloning the repository:

sudo git clone .

Edit filer .env

sudo nano .env

At a minimum change the two variables which contain the passwords of the database users.

I will also change the nginx port to 50001 and database port to 50002

Edit the Nginx configuration file:

sudo nano config/nginx.conf

In the file, change the server_name variable to the url you want to give to GLPI

If you use an Nginx reverse proxy, you must also edit the following file:

sudo nano reverse-proxy/nginx-vhost

In this file replace NGINX-GLPI-PORT with the port configured in the .env file for Nginx and also change the value of server_name.

Create the symbolic link for the Nginx reverse proxy:

sudo ln -s /path/of/glpi/reverse-proxy/nginx-vhost /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/glpi

Test the reverse proxy configuration:

sudo nginx -t

If everything is good, reload the Nginx configuration

sudo systemctl reload nginx

Si vous avez installer certbot, générer un certificat SSL

sudo certbot

We will now download the images and start the containers to create the folders.

Download images

sudo docker compose pull

Start containers:

sudo docker compose up

Check that no errors are displayed.

Stop containers with Ctrl+C.

Our different departments are ready.

Download and unzip GLPI 10

We will now download GLPI 10, to do this we will retrieve the latest release from Github.

Download GLPI:

sudo wget

Unzip the archive:

sudo tar -xvzf glpi-10.0.11.tgz

Move contents of glpi folder (unzip) to web server folder

sudo mv glpi/* /containers/glpi/www/

Verify that the files have been moved:

ll /containers/glpi/www/

In order not to have a legal problem, we are going to change the owner of the folders and files, because the commands are passed with sudo, the owner is root.

sudo chown www-data:www-data /containers/glpi/www/ -R

If you use the tutorial containers start them:

sudo docker compose up -d

Installing GLPI 10

From an Internet browser, go to the URL defined for GLPI.

You should arrive at the GLPI installation wizard.

Select language 1 and click OK 2.

GLPI 10 Install

Accept the license by clicking on the Continue 1 button.

Click on the Install 1 button.

An environment check is carried out, if no blocking problem is detected, click on Continue 1.

Entrer les informations de connexions à la base de données 1 et cliquer sur Continuer 2.

Select database 1 and click on the Continue 2 button.

A message indicates that the database has been initialized, click on Continue 1.

The last step asks for your consent to send statistics, click on Continue 1 after making your choice.

In step 5, click Continue 1.

L’installation de GLPI 10 est terminée, par défaut 4 comptes utilisateurs sont créés. Cliquer sur Utiliser GLPI 1.

On arrive sur le formulaire d’authentification de GLPI.

Use the glpi/glpi account to log in.

You are connected to the GLPI 10 installation.

This tutorial dedicated to GLPI 10 stops here, to continue here is what you can do:

  • change GLPI user account password
  • change the password of other default accounts or delete them.
  • delete install folder

On the site you will find several tutorials on GLPI which have been written for GLPI 9.X.

A large part of these tutorials are applicable to GLPI 10, the big differences between GLPI 9.X and 10 is the design change and the native inventory (which we will see shortly).

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