Exchange puts a DAG node into maintenance

Scripts to run on one of the DAG nodes. Script locations: Open a powershell window. Navigate to the script folder: Call the script for maintenance: To take the node out of mode now, you need to call the following script: During maintenance, the script transfers all active databases to another node of the DAG and …

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SQL Server: reduce the size of the transaction log

In this “troubleshooting” tutorial, we will see how to reduce the transaction file (ldf) of a SQL Server database. Normally this file is truncated during server backups (Veeam, Altaro …) or by the maintenance plan. In certain situations with SQL Express, the “truncation” is not done and if the size of the file is badly …

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Restart an RDS server member of a farm

This script allows you to reboot a server RDS member of a farm with a broker session by closing the still open sessions. Use : Change the two variables $ServerBroker and $ServerHost. Create a scheduled task by running the script on the remote desktop session host server. Using the script avoids ending up with xxxxx.BACKUP-Y …

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Reboot ILO


The ILO management card on HP servers can be restarted independently from the operating system. 1. Go to the ILO web interface and then to Information 1 / Diagnostics 2 . Click on the Reset button 3 . 2. Confirm the restart by clicking OK 1 . 3. Wait while restarting ILO.

Optimize the space of SQL Server databases

Start optimization

In this tutorial I will show how to optimize the space used by databases. The optimization of the space is done in two stages: On the database: internal data optimization On files: reducing the size of the files on the disk. It is recommended that you perform these operations after deleting a large amount of …

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