ARR – HTTP to HTTPS redirection

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to set up a redirection of a site from HTTP to HTTPS with ARR. If you don’t yet know IIS ARR, I’ll let you discover it in this tutorial: IIS ARR: Installation and configuration. This type of redirection is often implemented when using ARR with an …

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IIS ARR – configuration to use self-signed certificates on target server

In this new tutorial dedicated to IIS ARR, I will explain how to configure ARR in order to be able to use a self-signed certificate on the target server. In the previous tutorial, I explained how to do an SSL dump, in this configuration the target server is in HTTP, which means that the request …

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Kemp: solve the problem of mixed content

If you use Kemp to dump to pass an internet site in HTTPS, it is possible that part of the content of the site (images, css, js) does not appear, the browser returns a Mixed Content error, it means that calls to resources are made in HTTP. To solve this problem, one must make a …

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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS over IIS

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In this tutorial, we’ll see how to automatically redirect http requests to https under IIS. Prerequisites : Valid configuration of your site with SSL. Have the Rewrite module installed under IIS. The Rewrite module is available with Web App Redirect HTTP to HTTPS 1. Open the IIS console, go to site 1 where the redirection …

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Stormshield: url filtering https without decryption

In this tutorial, we’ll see how to set up https url filtering (SSL) without needing to decrypt and therefore deploy the stormshield certificate. This solution does not display a blocking page, users will have a blank page. Implementing https URL filtering 1. Log in to your Stormshield. 2. In the menu on the left, go …

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