GLPI on IIS: configuration and installation

Windows Server 2019

In this tutorial, I will explain how to prepare the Windows environment to install GLPI under IIS and how to configure GLPI to send email using an SMTP server.


  • Have the IIS role installed on a server.
  • Install PHP on IIS.
  • A MariaDB or MySQL server.
  • Download the latest version of GLPI.
  • Have an internal DNS server (Windows).

Preparing the environment for GLPI for IIS

On the IIS server, create a 1 folder that will receive GLPI.

Dossier glpi sous IIS

Open the IIS Management Console, select the Sites 1 folder, right click on it and click on Add Web Site … 2 .

Création du site

Go to the server where the DNS role is installed, open the console and add a new record A 1 by right-clicking in the box.

Ajout enregistrement DNS

Enter the name of the host 1 defined when creating the site, enter the IP address of your IIS server 2 and click on the button Add a host 3 .

Enregistre A

Click OK 1 to close the registration confirmation message.

Confirmation de création

Click Done 1 to close the window.

Fermer la fenetre

The record is created 1 .

Enregistrement pour GLPI ajouté

Return to the IIS console, go to glpi 1 and click on PHP Manager 2 .

Configuration du site

To work properly GLPI needs some PHP extensions to be enabled. Click Enable or disable a 1 extension.

Gestion des extensions PHP

Activate the php_ldap extension, select 1 then right click on it and click on Activate 2 .

Activation extension LDAP

Do the same with the php_fileinfo extension.

The fileinfo and ldap extensions are enabled.

Activations pour GLPI sous IIS

Right click on the glpi 1 site, go to Manage the 2 website and click on Restart 3 to take the PHP extensions into account.

Redemarrer le site pour la prise en compte des modifications

Copy the contents of the download archive to the on-site directory on IIS 1 .

Copie des fichiers de GLPI

Modify the rights of the config and files folders 1 to give the access Modify 2 to the group 3 .

Modification des droits sur les dossiers

Start an internet browser and enter the dns address defined at the beginning.

Installation de GLPI

The following tutorial GLPI: Installation and Basic Configuration will guide you through the installation.

After installation

Rename / Delete the install folder

Go to the folder where GLPI was copied and delete or rename the install folder 1 .

Renommer le dossier install

Send email

Under IIS the configuration to send e-mails with PHP not being as simple as you linux to set up, I advise you to directly inform an SMTP server (internal / fai) in the configuration of GLPI.

From the navigation menu, go to Settings 1 / Notifications 2 .

Aller à l'administration des notifications

Click on Configuration of Email Tracking 1 .

Ouvrir la configuration du courriel

If Email Tracking Setup is not available, go to Yes Enable Tracking and Enable Email Tracking. By saving, the page will be reloaded and it will be possible to configure the tracking by emails.

Enter the email address of the sender 1 and answer 2 . Sending mode choose SMTP 3 . Enter the server address 4 and if necessary Identifier A and password B . Click the Save button 5 to save the configuration.

Paramétrage du serveur SMTP

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