Create an Active Directory environment in PowerShell

Introduction In this tutorial, we will see how to create an Active Directory environment using PowerShell, that is to say the creation of the first domain controller which includes: The Active Directory tutorial: installing and configuring a domain controller explains how to do it using the graphical interface. Prerequisites Ideally from a blank server, which …

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ADMT: Active Directory Domain Migration Tool

ADMT (Active Directory Migration Tool) is a free Microsoft tool that allows the migration of objects (Users, Computers, and Groups) between two Active Directory domains. Some examples of using ADMT: Prerequisites The migration account will be configured during the first object migration that will be done between the two domains. In the tutorial, I used …

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Active Directory: trust relationship between two forests / domains


Presentation The trust relationship between two Active Directory drill bits / domains is a trusted link that allows authenticated users to access resources in another domain. An approval relationship may be: Unidirectional: access to resources is only available in one direction (A) -> (B). Bidirectional: access to resources is available in both directions (A) <-> …

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Active Directory : increase the functional level of the domain and the forest

The functional level of the domain and forest corresponds to the “version” of your Active Directory environment and allows access to more or fewer features depending on the level of each. Mainly this level change occurs when upgrading to Windows when replacing / migrating domain controllers. The version change may also be necessary for the …

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Active Directory: installation and configuration of a domain controller

In this tutorial, we will see how to set up an Active Directory domain.

In summary, an Active Directory is a database (LDAP) that contains a set of objects (users, computers, etc.) and delivers several services:

Centralization of objects on the network in a single database
User Authentication
Rights management
Policy Application (GPO)