DNS configuration of a redirector

Windows Server 2019


When setting up a DNS server on Windows Server, it may be necessary to configure one or more DNS forwarders to public servers to resolve external domain names instead of using root DNS servers.

It is possible to use the servers “roots”, the resolution time can be “long”.

Configure a DNS forwarder

1. Open the DNS console and right click on the server name 1 then click Properties 2 .

DNS console

2. Go to the Forwarders tab 1 and click on the Edit 2 button.

Proprietes DNS Server

3. Enter the IP address 1 of the DNS server and press Enter.

Public DNS server IP

It is possible to use the DNS servers of your ISP, Google, CloudFlare …

4. Once the server is validated, click OK 1 .

server and dns service validated

5. Click Apply 1 and OK 2 to close the server properties.

Apply configuration

In an Active Directory environment, if the DNS servers are integrated with it, the redirector configuration will be replicated.

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